Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Health in the UK -- The solution for obesity for different age Essay

Health in the UK -- The solution for obesity for different age - Essay Example People are considered overweight if their weight is between 25 to 29.9 BMI (Body Mass Index) while people are considered obese if their weight is 30 or higher BMI. This tabulation also takes into account the standard weight at a certain height. Countries such as USA and UK have more obese problems than other nation in the world. The problem of obesity in UK has grown to become epidemic over the years. The percentage of obese adults has doubled since the 1990s. According to the survey in 2008 by Health Survey for England (HSE), almost 61.4% adults were categorized as obese which comprised of 32% UK women and 42% UK men (Astrup, 2009). This is just a general overview of the UK obese men and women. It is a fact that obesity increases with age. The UK government statistics estimates that one in every four men and one in every three women are obese (Astrup, 2009). According to the Obesity Statistics in UK, almost 27% women and 28% men between the ages of 16-24 have been found to be obese while 68% women and 76% men aged 55-64 were overweight (Obesity, 2009). 77.1% of adults aged 65-74 were obese or overweight (Gulland, 2010). The problem is just in the adults or elder people. It is also seen to be occurring in the children as well. About 27.3% UK children between the ages of 2-10 were obese (Obesity, 2009). Pred iction by Department of Health in UK is that if the obesity trend continues, 6.6 million men and 6 million women will fall under the category of obesity by 2010 (Obesity, 2009). The percentages for obesity in men and women have increased over the years with men been more obese than women. The most common type of obesity that affects almost 30% of men is stomach obesity in which the fat weight is concentrated on the stomach (Astrup, 2009). This type of obesity is not only increasing in men but is also rapidly seen in young people as well. A report published in 2007 by Foresight named Tackling Obesities: Future Choices predicted that by 2050 60% of UK

Monday, October 28, 2019

Fifth Element of Game Theory Essay Example for Free

Fifth Element of Game Theory Essay As each of the competing companies watchfully study the moves made by the others in the same industry they all belong to, they sometimes end up deciding to just do the best they can to win the biggest share in the market – without spending more time focusing of the others. This direction, when taken by the industry players, results to the occurrence of â€Å"Nash equilibrium. † (Economics 11th Edition by Richard G. Lipsey Paul N. Courant, UK: HarperCollins College Publishers, 1996) The above graph illustrates the Nash equilibrium and the optimum result that it leads to (Osborne, An Introduction to Game Theory). As opposed to how badly things may end up for the competing players, Nash equilibrium brings in profitable results for everybody. As opposed to getting stuck with the â€Å"prisoner’s dilemma† or the â€Å"pride game†, companies in this scenario have individually opted to stick to the strategies that they believe will work and will hand them the market dominance that will secure their place as the industry leader. Effects of Equilibrium Equilibrium brings balance to the economy – whether long- or short-lived. As a temporary phase that may or may not be maintained, equilibrium occurs when there is no tendency for change in the decisions of the economic entities regarding their products and services, the price and volume that they will supply, and the demand segment that they will target. (Lipsey Courant 510) Equilibrium comes in different forms as prevailing circumstances vary. â€Å"In the macroeconomic goods market, equilibrium occurs when planned aggregate expenditure is equal to aggregate output. † Thus, the volume that the suppliers has made available in the market is the same volume that buyers will actually buy. Meanwhile, equilibrium in the financial markets is attained when the supply of money is equal to the demand for money (Case Fair 67). In this setting, qualified borrowers find that there are loans that they can avail. In the same setting, financial institutions are able to use in their operations the idle cash in their coffers – they issue loans to maximize their income from lending activities. Equilibrium has been thoroughly explored as a concept and has been attributed with all kinds of applications arising from distinct circumstances and conclusions. It is not surprising that there evolved a specialized branch of game theory called â€Å"General Equilibrium Theory† which is widely used in analyzing the public and private sectors of the economy. (David Levine website) Freddie Mac in the Game Theory Freddie Mac never had to ward off many competitors in the industry. As one of the two giants –the other one being Fannie Mae – serving the country’s secondary mortgage market, the gaming area has turned out to be definitely spacious. Indeed, there is the entire USA as the territory to be serviced and there come the banks to take care of dealing with them – then there come Freddie Mac, Fanny Mae and Ginny to pour in the needed financial resources. With Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae issuing or guaranteeing a total of $5. 4 trillion in outstanding mortgage debt, these two companies practically make up the entire mortgage industry. Furthermore, they are equipped with all the needed ammunition for winning: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have indisputable strong points. Due to the implied backing of the United States government, they enjoy virtually unlimited access to the capital markets at funding costs that are below market. They pay no local taxes, only national. Each has enjoyed tremendous growth and profitability. As the biggest issuers of mortgage-backed securities and corporate securities in the world, the biggest buyers and hedgers of the securities in the world, and, not least, the source of liquidity for more than 75% of conventional and conforming home mortgages extended in this country, it could be argued that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are about as central to the American capital markets as the Treasury Department. (Annaly webstie) (Source: World Socialist website) Indeed, with their coveted roles as providers of a continuing supply of money for the banking institutions engaged in retail lending to the multitudes, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae own the game. As competitors offering the same products and services, enjoying the same rare privileges and dealing with the same clients, Freddie Mac and Fannie May have consistently been like identical twins – though Fannie May turns out to be decades older than Freddie Mac. With each one of them keen on beating the other, the strategies and packages they resorted to turned out to work for both of them, at least during the booming growth years of the industry. Consistent with the Nash equilibrium concept, a report that came out in the Spring of 2002 showed that fully one-half of 2002’s 1. 2% gain in real GDP growth was brought on by the housing activities across the country. (Annaly website) Freddie Mac and Fannie May have been playing the Nash Equilibrium game. In such a game as theirs, â€Å"players play the best they can given their beliefs, and they have learned all there is to learn about their opponent’s play† (David Levine website). Works Cited Osborne, Martin. An Introduction to Game Theory. Oxford University Press, 2002. Lipsey, Richard Courant, Paul. Economics 11th Edition. New York: HarperCollins College Publishers, 1996. Case, Karl Fair, Ray. Principles of Economics 8th Edition. Prentice Hall, 2007. Levine, David. What is Game Theory? Department of Economic, UCLA. 29 October 2008 http://levine. sscnet. ucla. edu/general/whatis. htm#General%20equilibrium%20theory Annaly. com Website. FAQs on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, 29 October 2008 http://www. annaly. com/ie/ffmfaq. html World Socialist Web Site. The Importance of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. 29 October 2008 http://www. wsws. org/articles/2008/jul2008/debt-j25. shtml

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Narrativity, Modernity, and Tragedy: How Pragmatism Educates Humanity :: Argumentative Persuasive Philosophy Essays

Narrativity, Modernity, and Tragedy: How Pragmatism Educates Humanity ABSTRACT: I argue that the modernist notion of a human self (or subject) cannot easily be post-modernistically rejected because the need to view an individual life as a unified 'narrative' with a beginning and an end (death) is a condition for asking humanly important questions about its meaningfulness (or meaninglessness). Such questions are central to philosophical anthropology. However, not only modern ways of making sense of life, such as linear narration in literature, but also premodern ones such as tragedy, ought to be taken seriously in reflecting on these questions. The tradition of pragmatism has tolerated this plurality of the frameworks in terms of which we can interpret or 'structure' the world and our lives as parts of it. It is argued that pragmatism is potentially able to accommodate both the plurality of such interpretive frameworks-premodern, modern, postmodern — and the need to evaluate those frameworks normatively. We cannot allow any premodern source of hu man meaningfulness whatsoever (say, astrology) to be taken seriously. Avoiding relativism is, then, a most important challenge for the pragmatist. 1. The idea that "grand metanarratives" are dead is usually regarded as the key to the cultural phenomenon known as postmodernism. We have been taught to think that the Enlightenment notions of reason, rationality, knowledge, truth, objectivity, and self have become too old-fashioned to be taken seriously any longer. There is no privileged "God's-Eye-View" available for telling big, important stories about these notions. The cultural hegemony of science and systematic philosophy, in particular, is over. Nevertheless, as even some postmodern thinkers themselves keep on insisting, we still have to be committed to the grand narrative of our individual life. (1) We cannot really dispense with the modernist notion of self, and the one who says we can forgets who she or he is. From the point of view of our own life, no postmodern death of the subject can take place. On the contrary, my death transcends my life; it is not an experienceable event of my life — as Wittgenstein also famously pointed out at Tractatus 6.4311. Most (perhaps all) of us feel that one's own death is hardly even conceivable from within one's life. On the other hand, somewhat paradoxically, death must be postulated as the imaginary end point, the final event, of the story of my life. If there were no death (i.e., the annihilation of my self) to be expected, I could not even realize that I am leading a specific, spatio-temporally restricted human life.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Essay --

Part A: Describe protein structure, the level of structure and geometry. Include in a description of the significance of structure and how it affects to analysis. Protein Structure Levels There are four levels of protein structure which are separated from one another by the degree of complication in the polypeptide chain. A protein molecule can consist of one or more of the protein structure types. 1- ) Primary Structure is the sequence of a chain of amino acids. Proteins are formed from 20 different amino acids. Amino acid are composed of a carbon (ÃŽ ± carbon) that bond to the hydrogen atom (H), a carboxyl group (-COOH), an amino group (-NH2) and a variable group, or R group. The primary structure is determined during translation. There are two tools uses to determine the primary structure; Edman degradation and mass spectrometry. Primary structure controls the secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures. It is also used to determine the molecular mass and isoelectric point. 2- )Secondary Structure describes the coiling or folding of a protein due to exclusive hydrogen bonding between its backbone amide and carbonyl groups. These secondary structures are held together by hydrogen bonds. There are three types of secondary structures in proteins. a-) Alpha helix (ÃŽ ±-helix) is a spiral arrangement around polypeptide backbone. The inner part of the coil is formed by the backbone of the peptide while the side chains extend outward from the coil. Hydrogen bonds between N-H of one amino acid and the C=O on the 4th amino acid stabilize the helix. b-) Beta pleated the beta sheet involves H bonding between the backbone residues in adjacent chains. The orientation of a beta pleated sheet can occur in two types. The strands may be paralle... ...Da) than grw175 (28 kDa) proving that the above observation is true. b-) Molecular mass of the XÃ ¸D2788 gene product = 56 kDa 1.) Loaded the image of the gel into ImageJ 2.) Labeled the MW ladder lane then other lanes of interest (lane 2 grw175, lane 3 grw19) 3.) A graph representation was then generated 4.) I selected the peaks of MW lane to be used in the molwt.macros program 5.) Based on the calculations that were generated using the molwt macros program I was then able to select the peaks of interest and compute a numerical value for them 6.) ImageJ indicated a peak of 56kda for grw19 positive and a 28kda value in grw175 positive. 7.) Using the numerical values I was able to subtract the grw175 estimated size of 28kda from the size of what is believed to be the fusion protein grw19 56kda 8.) Grw175 = 28kda – fusion protein 56kda to give you a value of = 28kda

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Presentation in History of the English Language Essay

When studying the development of English as a language, it can be argued that early modern English is perhaps the most vital point of reference. This period brings with it a richness in material that provided clues as to how the tongue developed phonetically and geographically from its roots as a secondary, regional language in an arena dominated somewhat by the French language, and largely by Latin. Although the amount of available information isn’t enough to paint a sufficient scenario of the linguistic lay of the land at the time, these materials are a great help in discerning the stages of development of the English language. During the latter age of transition from Middle English, the language was mostly spread about in regions. This period is â€Å". . . notoriously [known] as the time when linguistic variation is fully reflected in the written mode . . . † (Nevalainen 13). Due to the heavy presence of French and Latin as the dominant vernaculars, middle English didn’t have enough room to develop as a real language and was limited to regional variants that were shaped by the grammar rules of the more prominent languages at the time. This was, mostly, due to the lack of standardized spelling – it was difficult to come up with a fixed set of grammar rules if the people didn’t have any idea of how to spell the words to be used in each situation. This changed during the sixteenth century. With the shift to early modern English came the streamlined version of the language, thanks to major standardizations in the way words were spelled throughout various regions. But you can’t ever get rid of local variations in language, and the early form of modern English is no different. Most of the available materials from the period concern themselves mostly with grammar reforms and the instruction of the language. The most curious thing about these documents is that despite dealing with a language that was gaining more and more popularity as a serious vernacular, the method of instruction was still largely conducted in Latin. This proved to be difficult in unifying the language since the two tongues were different from each other both grammatically and in inflection. Alexander Gil wrote Logonomia Anglica in 1619 as an attempt to describe the chief variants of English according to region. These are the general, northern, southern, eastern, western and poetic variants. Interestingly, these are the same regional distinctions of middle English, save for the unifying general vernacular that could be similar to what we call standard English. The weakness in Gil’s study is his partiality to the northern style although this feature gives us an outstanding view of how the morphology of early modern English developed. His renditions of spelling and pronouncing some words are indicative of the Germanic roots of English, including the use of /v/ for /f/ (the example given by Nevalainen is vill for fill). Another method of dialectal segregation was recorded by George Puttenham in The Arte of English Poesie (1589). Here, Puttenham gives us a view of how early middle English was segregated according to social standing, and was focused mostly on improving the aesthetic appeal of the language by identifying the speech of the court and the aristocrats as well-sounding and favorable, as opposed to the speech of a craftsman, or that of the thieves (thieves’ cant). Still, the dominant tongue at the time remained to be Latin, and it was in Latin that the English grammar was taught and written. This was to accommodate foreigners who wished to learn English; these people learned English via the structure of Latin, whereas locals who already practiced English learned Latin through the structure of their mother tongue. The effect of Latin in the grammar manuals during the first part of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were apparent – the use of Latin categories, or at least a system derived from Latin, to describe English grammar left out a chunk of what formed the structural core of English, and while the regional dialects flourished, very little attention was given to them and the focus of learning instead went to the General dialect, which would eventually go on to become the basis for the structure of the language today. A lot of the development that transformed the English language occurred at this time. In Pamphlet for Grammar (1586), William Bullokar gives us insight to the transformation of the personal noun ye into modern-day you. He also noted the possible conversion of the suffix –eth ¬ (e. g. loveth) into the more economical –s pronounced with a /z/-like crescendo. The latter, incidentally, is an example of northern dialect curiosities that made it to the general dialect. The continuous development and popularity of English as a language both written and spoken led to the precursors of modern-day newspapers. Newsletters by eminent individuals were handwritten and sent out as manuscript circulations back in 1620 as a means of spreading important information around. A fair example is the Newdigate Newsletters that were addressed to Sir Richard Newdigate of Warwickshire from the Secretary of State’s office. A selection of the newsletters would go as follows: â€Å"The King of Poland desireing a nearer Correspondence with this Crowne then has been formerly and haveing sent Over to desire his Maty to be godfather to his Daughter, his Maty was preparing to send an Envoy ExtraOrdnary thither to stand for him, when the last post brought news ye young Princess was dead. † (21) This selection, in its original form, contains plenty of scripting nuances of the period – such as superscripts for the abbreviations – and resembled, in all intents and purposes, formal letters of the period. In closing, it is worth to note that while the instruction and growth of English as a language during the early modern period isn’t as clear as we’d like it to be, there really is no denying that this period yielded a huge wealth of material to study. Thanks to works like Gil’s Bullokar’s and the missives to sir Newdigate, we can continue to study and piece together the broken pieces of the puzzle of how today’s universal language evolved into what it is. WORKS CITED Nevalainen, Terttu. Introduction to Early Modern English, An. USA: Oxford University Press, 2006. 12-27

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

OxiClean to Remove Skunk Odor

OxiClean to Remove Skunk Odor OxiCleanâ„ ¢ (sometimes spelled OxyClean) is a great stain remover, but its also a great odor remover. I was having dinner with an awesome veterinarian who mentioned her dog had been sprayed by a skunk. She saw that the dog was wet and bent down to touch its fur. The dampness was skunk spray, so she then had a handful of stinky nastiness, too. I said I had heard tomato juice was supposed to be decent at diminishing skunk-smell. Nope, doesnt work. What does work, she said, is spraying the pet with OxiClean and then very thoroughly rinsing, presumably with soap and water since that is how you are supposed to get OxiClean off your hands if you have skin contact. A Product Of Many Uses This is not an official vet-recommended treatment for skunk spray for a couple of reasons. The active ingredients in OxiClean (and similar products, which would also work) are sodium carbonate (washing soda) and sodium percarbonate. They react to form peroxide, which is an effective bleach and disinfectant, plus is reactive enough to tackle most messes. Its also reactive enough to cause damage to certain tissues. If you read the MSDS for sodium percarbonate, for example, you will find the chemical is harmful if swallowed and may cause severe eye injury. If you spritz OxiClean in water on yourself or your pet to remove skunkiness, you need to be absolutely certain to avoid getting any in the eyes. Plus, you need to take extra care to rinse all of the OxiClean off. You might not lick your hands after washing them, but chances are your cat or dog will. Cat, in particular, lick their fur and are highly sensitive to chemicals. Its best to check with a veterinarian before applying any prod uct to a feline. How It Works OxiClean should work as an odor remover pretty much the same way as it works as a stain remover. The hydrogen peroxide that is released reacts with stain molecules and changes their structure. This makes them absorb light differently, rendering colored stains colorless. Note that this does mean the stains are actually gone; you just cant see them. Stink molecules are like stains. If you change their shape, the chemoreceptors in your nose may be unable to detect them.So,  if you have an encounter with the business end of a skunk, try reaching for the Oxiclean instead of the V-8. Avoid the eyes and rinse, rinse, rinse.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Overview of Strategic Planning

Overview of Strategic Planning Strategic Planning As a Competitive Factor Strategic planning is a way in which organizations define their strategies and directions in order to make decisions on the allocation of their resources for purposes of pursuing various strategies. The achievement of all these is always preceded by the knowledge of the prevailing position and the gateways through which a particular course of action can be pursued.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Overview of Strategic Planning specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is a critical competitive factor as it provides the organization’s vision and mission statement (Grà ¼nig and Gaggl 80). The vision statement and the mission statement contain the vision, mission, values and the strategy of the organization. Through its vision, an association delineates what it wants to bring about and also tries to influence the environment around which it is carrying out its operations. On the other hand, the mission comprehensively describes the motivations behind the existence of the organization together with the strategies it intends to puts in place to attain its vision. The cultural beliefs that an organization holds and upon which all stakeholders share constitute its values. The decisions that are made within the organization are normally based on these values. Strategy is the way in which an organization makes policies and the methods through which the attainment and implementation of such policies are attained. Changes in the Field of Strategic Planning and Strategic Information Systems Planning Strategic information systems planning have come a long way over the years. During the 1960s, there was the era of data processing (DP) in which stand alone computers that were remote from the users were applied for the cost reduction functions. In the 1970s and 1980s, the management information system (MIS) was discovered. This system was more interconnected and di stributed. It was also regulated by a management service and it supported businesses in a user driven fashion. However, in the 1980s and 90s, there came an era of Strategic Information systems (SIS). When compared to the earlier eras, the SIS planning had more elaborate integrated systems and was extensively networked. It was also available to supportive users. This ensured that it efficiently related to the business’ strategy besides enabling the drive of the organization. The strategic information systems’ planning that is carried out using the strategic information system is complex as it is deeply rooted in business processes. The main objective of the SISP is to enable an organization to plan for its activities, to not only reduce costs of running the business but also to ensure the addition of value to its products.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Information technology has played an important role in re-engineering and redefining businesses. It has carved multiple virtual corporations offering unprecedented possibilities (Ferrell and Hartline 529). Strategic planning can also refer to as a methodical and officially documented process for selecting the most appropriate decisions that an organization needs to make in order to prosper over a certain period. In this aspect, strategic planning process is very important for the prosperity and survival of a business. Its focus should be the definition and assessment of both internal and external situations. It also implements strategy, makes adjustments and evaluates the progress of a particular business activity or project (May and May 22). The most imperative thing to reflect on when carrying out strategic planning is the nature of the needs an organization has and the direct exterior surroundings it thrives in. Industries that change their products and services regularly nee d to carry out a lot of strategic planning processes. On the other hand, the organizations that have stayed on the market for longer periods of time or that have established stable markets need fewer planning processes, which can be implemented once in a year. The most critical time during which an organization should carry out strategic planning is in the course of its commencement. In this regard, the strategic plan is embedded with the business plan, the financial plan and the market plan among others. Another scenario that requires the execution of a strategic plan is during the formation of a new business venture, or the establishment of a new department or the conception of new merchandise. It is also important to note that strategic planning should be carried out at least once in a year. This ensures that an organization is adequately prepared for every fiscal year. During this process, action plans are normally updated. However, during the implementation, the progress of the implementation needs to be reviewed even on a quarterly basis (Abraham 189). Issues affecting the Selection and Implementation of the SISP SISP is the method through which portfolio computer-based applications are branded. These applications help in the execution of business plans in order to meet the objectives of the organization. It is very crucial for the running of the business as it helps organizational managers and information technicians in the identification of strategic applications in order to align them with the needs of the business.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Overview of Strategic Planning specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Over the past few decades, business leaders and their organizations have deemed it fit to include the acquisition of technological decisions as a key component tool that impacts on the organizational information system. This is normally founded on what the players in the indust ry believe in and the influence that they get from vendors and competitors. However, a positive outcome is not always guaranteed. It is against this backdrop that the idea of strategic information systems planning comes in handy. In this regard, the decisions on the information systems of an organization must be made in compliance with it direction and strategy (Grant, Hackney, and Edgar 329). The issues that normally impact on the implementation of the information systems and strategy planning include business strategy, organizational strategy and the information strategy. This strategy constitutes a synchronized set of procedures, which are set to arrive at the intention, objectives and the goals of the organization. It commences with the mission of the association and sets restrictions on the vital undertakings of the institute. On the other hand, the organizational strategy is involved with the human resource, the processes of working, internal and external structures, hiring pr actices and the business plan (Kà ¼pper 7). This is specifically designed to enable a business enterprise accomplish its goals. In order to successfully provide adequate information services, organizations need to adopt effective action plans, such as valuable information systems. The main objective of executing the strategic information systems planning is coming up with an excellent information system strategy. For the setting up of these strategies to be successfully executed, the organisation has to reflect on the key components that include: information strategy, change administration and execution strategy, information management strategy and information technology strategy. In a nutshell, the whole idea of strategic information systems planning is to give the direction a business enterprise wishes to go to while keeping in mind the information about the future prospects of the organization. This helps in decision making in the future. The most important goal of this strategi c plan is to put forward the framework for making future decisions. Apparently, planning in itself involves a lot of processes some of which are very complex (King 411). Approaches to Strategic Planning Some of the approaches to strategic planning that are in use include future research, open space, SWOT analysis and the ZOPP/OOPP/LFA. These approaches operate on the belief that the future is not pre-destined and can be changed. They also share a belief that all the significant stakeholders are important ingredients in the participation of decision making for the future actions.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Future Search Approach This is a plan is intended to unravel the circumstances that had proved taxing at the start. It is appropriate for projects or programs that rely heavily on participants’ input. It is also commonly used by the non-profit making entities that do very little business. This approach emphasizes on the need to leap forward in an appropriate time to identify the suitable conditions for the future and work toward attaining them (Simerson 201). Since it is normally manual, it consumes a lot of time and tedious. This is different from the strategic information systems planning, which is computer based. Open Space Approach This is the least structured of all the approaches available. In this approach, there lacks the preset agenda set aside for the topic that had previously been agreed upon and the time allocation for the meeting. It is also characterized by lack of planned discussions and the plenary sessions. It is the duty of the participants to create all the relevant agenda. This they do with the guidance of the facilitator. Issues that are mostly pressing are normally at the top of the agenda. As compared to the strategic information systems planning, this approach is too narrow. SISP apparently uses numerous strategies to arrive at a decision. The SWOT Analysis Approach In this approach, the planners seek to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that surround an organization’s operations. It is mostly common in business environments. The strengths are those qualities that a business organization possesses, which can enable it to accomplish its mission. It is from these strengths that consistent success is made and sustained. Conversely, strengths can either be substantial or indefinable. Some of the most unique strengths that organizations experience include the expertise and the qualities of the employees, products and services, customer goodwill, process capabilities and brand loyalty. These strengths are also regarded as the beneficial aspects of the company (Fine 48). Weaknesses are the traits within an organization that derail the attainment of its objectives. They weaken the organization’s prospects of achieving its full potentiality. Some of the examples of weaknesses include inadequate or poor research, operation of machines under poor working conditions, poor decision making skills and the narrow product range. For the success of any business organization, the frequency of weaknesses must be minimized or eliminated at all cost. Some of the ways of overcoming the weaknesses include hiring competent employees, purchasing new and functioning machinery and engaging in a complex decision making process. On the other hand, opportunities are exhibited by the operating environment of the organization. This is achieved through the actions of the organization to make beneficial choices out of its operating environment. The organization must be ready to put in place measures that ensure it succeeds by initiating strategies that enable it to become profitable. A sure way for an organization to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors is to make wise use of the opportunities that come its way. However, this requires careful identification and recognition of such opportunities because it is not easy to select a target that will serve clients satisfactorily and at the same time give the business the desired results. Some of the things that could help are the availability of a new-fangled and more resourceful technology, encouraging government policies, weak antagonism and an approving market. Currently, there is an increasing demand for telecommunication products; in an industry, which is accompanied by deregulation, companies in the telecom sector can utilize this to their advantage (Bà ¶hm 13). Threats are the external factors whose influence is unfavorable enough to hinder the organization’s progress. In most of the cases, they are uncon trollable and their presence puts the stability of the business at a vulnerable state, especially if they compound with other weaknesses. Some of the most common threats to most business organizations include the frequent and consistent of unreliable technology, civil strikes by the employees, price wars and increased competition within the industry. As a strategic planning tool, SWOT analysis ensures the provision of information for strategic planning besides building on the organization’s strengths and reversing the weaknesses. In addition, SWOT analysis helps to maximize the response of the organization to opportunities so as to tap them. If carefully drafted, this strategy assists in overcoming the threats faced by the organization. By doing this, the key areas of competencies by the firm become easer to identify. The SWOT analysis approach also assists in setting up the objectives that are vital for strategic planning. To crown all these, the SWOT analysis tool puts an o rganization in a better position of knowing the past, current and future plans at a glance (Snelling 8). As a strategy formulation tool, the SWOT analysis approach is very instrumental because of its reliability and profitability. It should provide a platform upon which business organizations gauge their performance. In this case, the success of a business organization is premised upon building its strengths, correcting its weaknesses, and protecting itself against the external weaknesses and threats (Pahl and Richter 61). This approach shares the same contextual framework with the strategic information systems planning, as it is deeply rooted in explorations. ZOPP/OOPP/Logical Framework Approach This approach is also referred to as Objective Oriented Project Planning. It is a structured meeting process. It seeks to identify some of the most pressing prevailing problems by the use of the cause effect analysis. This is then followed by the search for the best strategy for the allevia tion of the identified problems. Conversely, this approach is limited in scope, time consuming and tedious when compared to strategic information systems planning approach. All this planning approaches have their cons and pros. It is upon the business organization managers to identify and come up with the most suitable approach to apply. Conclusion From the above analysis, it is true that all the approaches described above are correct in their own right under the specified circumstances. However, for elaborate business organizations, SWOT analysis could the most efficient. Nonetheless, with the introduction of information systems to run business models, the strategic systems information planning can offer tools that are even more effective and sensitive. Abraham, Stanley C. Strategic Planning: A Practical Guide for Competitive Success. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing, 2012. Print. Bà ¶hm, Anja. The SWOT Analysis. München: GRIN Verlag, 2009. Print. Ferrell, OC, and Michae l D. Hartline. Marketing Strategy. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning, 2008. Print. Fine, Lawrence G. The SWOT Analysis: Using Your Strength to Overcome Weaknesses, Using Opportunities to Overcome Threats. New York: CreateSpace, 2009. Print. Grant, Kevin, Ray Hackney, and David Edgar. Strategic Information Systems Management. Andover: Cengage Learning EMEA, 2010. Print. Grà ¼nig, Rudolf and Richard Gaggl. Process-based Strategic Planning. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, 2011. Print. King, William Richard. Planning for Information Systems. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 2009. Print. Kà ¼pper, Alexander. Measures for Successful Strategic Information Systems Planning. München: GRIN Verlag, 2008. Print. May, Gary May, and Gary May. Strategic Planning: Fundamentals for Small Business. New York, NY: Business Expert Press, 2010. Print. Pahl, Nadine, and Anne Richter. Swot Analysis Idea, Methodology and a Practical Approach. München:GRIN Verlag, 2009. Print. Simerson, Keith B. Strategic Planni ng: A Practical Guide to Strategy Formulation and Execution. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2011. Print. Snelling, Jennifer. The Influence of the SWOT Analysis in Organizational Development Strategic Planning. München: GRIN Verlag, 2012. Print.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Alcohol-Related Car Accident R essays

Alcohol-Related Car Accident R essays The success of the M.A.D.D. and S.A.D.D. prevention programs has had a decreasing effect on drinking and driving. At the same time, however the car accident alcohol-related death rate of middle age people is still on a rise. Despite significant reductions in the amount of the alcohol-crash problem, drinking and driving continues to present a major threat to the safety of all road users. About one third of deaths among people between the ages of 15 to 24 are the results of motor vehicle-related crashes. Studies have been done in high schools nationwide on the patterns of alcohol use. These studies have reported that 17 percent of students have participated in drinking and driving one or more times. The odds of drinking and driving have increased 2.5-fold to 14-fold while incidents of drinking rose from 3 to 5 times per month to more than 20 times when compared with drinking on one or more occasions. In a similar manner, the odds rose two-fold to twelve-fold as the number of days of drinking rose five to more drinks per incident. These incidents went from once or twice per month to more than 10 days per month when compared with no binge drinking incidents. The studies also showed that students who used other drugs in addition to alcohol were 1.7 times as likely to drink and drive as students who only used alcohol. Today, a large portion of the problem, dealing with alcohol-related accidents, includes a relatively small group of persistent drunk drivers refereed to as hard-core offenders. These hard-core offenders have become widely known as one of the important portions of the drinking-driving problem. This portion has been categorized as repeatedly driving after drinking with a blood alcohol concentration of 150-200 percent or more, and has no thought on changing their behavior. Hard-core drunk drivers are proven to be mostly male and are likely to be between the ages of ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Post-Independence Power Vacancy and its Consequences Essay

Post-Independence Power Vacancy and its Consequences - Essay Example â€Å"From the very beginning, the 'native problems' of the colonial territories can be traced to the subordination of native authority and the imposition of European rule in its place† (Collins 166). This implies that there were numerous political, cultural and social changes that were put in place to ensure that the European powers would consolidate their rules in the nations they colonized. These systems had long-term repercussions that has had effects on the various political, social and economic trends after independence. Most of these developing countries have histories of armed conflicts, poverty and backwardness and these can be traced to the moves of the European powers that colonized these nations. The imposition of European rule over and above native authority and the subsequent policies of these European colonialists can be said to be the main causes challenges to developing nations. This can issue manifested itself in the form of power vacuums that were created af ter the independence of these nations. The purpose of this research is to examine the power vacancy that was created after colonized nations gained independence and the socio-political problems that ensued afterwards. The research hopes to achieve this end by exploring the following objectives: 1. Analysis of the colonial policies and systems that caused imperial European powers to rule over their colonies. 2. Assessment of the structures and systems of anti-colonial movements that eventually led to the independence of colonized lands. 3. Examination of power vacancies that came up after independence in relation to the Cold War, Ethnic Disharmony and the Third Wave of Democracy In this quest, the Rwandan situation will be examined in the research to help in the conceptualization of the various ideas that will be identified in the research. The Growth of Colonialism Colonialism and the political rule of peoples and nations around the world did not come about in a short period of time . Rather, it evolved over a period of time and has traces to various times and periods in European history. The earliest versions of colonialism of nations around the world by European powers can be traced to the Spaniards. The Spaniards established the Encomienda system which was inhumane but formed the basis of future colonization of nations around the world. According to Mahoney (87) The Spanish Crown's policy in the 1500s was to send soldiers to lands they sought to claim and since Spain had the most advance and effective military at that time, they often defeated the locals. After the locals were defeated, a Spanish government post was established in the area. The Spanish Conquistadors or soldiers and some civilians were given a grant by the Spanish Crown and this gave them the authority to enslave a set of natives and the responsibility of Christianizing these natives who were seen as backward and savage (Mahoney 87). Thus it can be seen that the Spanish expansionist policy es tablished three main things which became significant in the colonization of foreign lands by other European nations: 1. The State use of its military was an essential tool to protect the interest of a state in foreign lands. 2. Natives were savages and they needed to be Christianized 3. The concept of Christianization was the basis for 'civilizing' the savages By the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Poverty and Crimes Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Poverty and Crimes - Annotated Bibliography Example It is useful because he used actual people who were involved as crimes as both a victim and one who created the crime. When looking at specific poverty areas and this article gives insights as to how it looks from the other side of victimization. Bausman and Goe discuss "economic marginalization" and how it has more to do with an environment that can perpetrate crime instead of only economics. They say that most researchers only look at the economics but there are many other factors that create crime. This article is interesting because it points out that people who are unemployed have a challenge because they have to meet their needs in some way. They state that unemployment is a large factor that can create more property crime and that unemployment can create more crime in any area. Since I am looking at the fact that poverty causes crimes this article shows a link between lack of employment as one of the factors in crime. It is important to find out what factors make juveniles commit crime. In order to create prevention programs these authors felt it important to identify characteristics and circumstances that make juveniles create crimes. The authors wanted to create a profile of what a juvenile would look like who creates crimes. Part of my paper will deal with what we can do to stop crime. Since there are problems that our society cannot fix it is important to identify what characteristics may lead an individual to commit a crime. This article gives some ideas of what this would be like and will fit into the last aspects of my paper. This is a discussion of how alcohol and drugs influence crime and which crimes are committed. The authors have created a scientific study of how drugs and crime work and they have given a thorough study. Chapter 5 details the drug and crime connection and how they work together to create problems in the community.

Efficiency Of The Work Of The Allstate Insurance Company Term Paper

Efficiency Of The Work Of The Allstate Insurance Company - Term Paper Example Necessary knowledge and skills apply in this process, thereby measuring just how much the program is set to work out in favor of the company. In the context of this company, the idea of this condition is down packed. Current job skills and expertise in the company is highly evaluated in the present times in relation to the goals, mission, and objectives of the company. Advancement program for employee skills and expertise is operational, training of workers put in place as well as mentoring services. Creative and critical skill development is therefore at the disposal of workers, and opportunities for advancement are therefore created. As much as the condition here is hectic to functionalize, it clarifies the firm’s goals and initiates efficiency in the operations of the company (Andreas, 1998). Difficult goals call for maximum attention and analysis over time. This is the second's step towards achieving functional goal-setting procedures. The employees must be upfront at all times in regard to the attainment of these difficult goals. Employees focus on their work has been enhanced in this company by the fact there is a childcare unit in the company. The childcare units are favorable to the users since they offer care discounts for the parents. Over and above this fact, Allstate uses other means to keep the workers focused on the goals of the firm. These means are: offering dry cleaning services as well as oil-change services. It is therefore little or no time wasted by the employees during work hours when they need the aforementioned services. Day breaks allow the parents to see their children without wasting so much time. They can, therefore, work as required by the company (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2011). Goal achievement progress needs to be monitored at each point in time, and necessary feedback toward such progress reported from time to time.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Ectopic pregnancy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ectopic pregnancy - Essay Example Ectopic pregnancy is an important gynecological disorder which has many underlying causes and it is a condition that can be diagnosed by different techniques. This pathology can be treated and therefore early diagnosis is important to prevent the fatalities that result due to this condition. Etiology: Ectopic pregnancy is led to by many causes. Invasion of the pelvis by infective microorganisms which include Chlamydia results in infection of the pelvis and this Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is classified as an underlying cause of ectopic pregnancy in approximately 40 percent of the cases. A pregnant woman who has a history of ectopic pregnancies has a higher risk of developing the same disorder again. Appendicitis, leiomyomas as well as endometriosis may result in the sticking together of the fallopian tubes. This also increases the susceptibility of ectopic pregnancy. Intrauterine devices that are used for contraception also result in a raised chance of developing ectopic pregnancies. An important characteristic that has been identified is that ectopic pregnancy may develop in a female who does not present with any prior history of risk factors and has normal tubal structures (Robbins et al 2005; Monga et al 2005). It has also been seen that women who resort to in vitro fertilization techniques for conceiving also have an increased risk of developing ectopic pregnancies. The improper development of the fallopian tubes by birth is also associated with ectopic pregnancy as it obstructs the movement of the fertilized ovum towards the uterine lining (Sher et al 2005). Site of Ectopic Pregnancy: The normal site for the attachment of the embryo is the endometrium of the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy ensues due to deviation of the embryo from its normal place of attachment and the attachment occurs in abnormal locations. These locations include the fallopian tubes where 95 percent of the ectopic pregnancies occur. Seventy four percent of the tubal pregnancies are found in the ampulla. Three percent of the ectopic pregnancies may occur in the ovary whereas one percent may be present in the cavity of the peritoneum. The remaining one percent may be seen in the cervix or on the scar tissue that may have formed following a caesarean section (Monga et al 2011; Smeltzer et al 2009). Signs and Symptoms: The patient may present with alteration in the normal menstrual cycle and complain of the postponement of the period from the normal date by approximately 2 weeks. She may complain of the passage of a small amount of blood after the time period of these two weeks. These symptoms explain of the presence of ectopic pregnancy. The patient may experience pain in the abdomen relative to the sight of implantation. The pain may be mild initially but may progress to become severe with time. This may be accompanied by abnormal bleeding which varies from the normal menstrual cycle. The patient may be lethargic and complain of fainting episodes. The patient may also complain of blood discharge from the vagina which would be dark red in color suggestive of the fact that the blood is not fresh. The patient may present with pain in the iliac fossa. In patients who may have presence of

Conduct, Misconduct and the structure of Science Article

Conduct, Misconduct and the structure of Science - Article Example ?   Properian Falsification, developed by Karl Popper, according to his Ideas, we should only test hypothesis by deducing from it testable prediction. Should the prediction fails to meet expectations or turns out to be false, source hypothesis from which it got deduced maybe considered falsified and must be rejected.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Advocates Properian Falsification can define scientific Misconduct as; refusing to make public in advance what sorts of facts would lead one to give up assumption, in ignoring or discarding evidence contrary to ones hypothesis or in introducing ad hoc, content-decreasing modifications in ones theories in order to defend them against refusal. Duhem-Quine problem, the problem with Properian falsification, occurs when we cannot derive some noticeable consequences O from a Hypothesis H getting tested. I don’t agree with this because, according to Proper, it is impossible to conclusively verify a hypothesis, but we cannot conclusively falsify it either. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to the author human psychology and social structure put in positively to the scientific progress, how? Human psychology is important as it enables scientists to implicit code of conduct that do encourage them to be a bit dogmatic and allows or permits certain measures of rhetorical exaggeration regarding the advantages of their work. This leads them into defining scientific misconduct as a series of practices that deviate from those accepted by the scientific community. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Authors argue that reputation is a good scientific progress, because it forms a base upon which, some scientists place at least as much weight on the experiment for careful, painstaking work as on the technical details in the experiment in assessing whether the data used constitute a reliable evidence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author believes that peer view conducted this way is unlikely to detect instances of intentional misconduct because, the objective judgment lies majorly on

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Ectopic pregnancy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ectopic pregnancy - Essay Example Ectopic pregnancy is an important gynecological disorder which has many underlying causes and it is a condition that can be diagnosed by different techniques. This pathology can be treated and therefore early diagnosis is important to prevent the fatalities that result due to this condition. Etiology: Ectopic pregnancy is led to by many causes. Invasion of the pelvis by infective microorganisms which include Chlamydia results in infection of the pelvis and this Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is classified as an underlying cause of ectopic pregnancy in approximately 40 percent of the cases. A pregnant woman who has a history of ectopic pregnancies has a higher risk of developing the same disorder again. Appendicitis, leiomyomas as well as endometriosis may result in the sticking together of the fallopian tubes. This also increases the susceptibility of ectopic pregnancy. Intrauterine devices that are used for contraception also result in a raised chance of developing ectopic pregnancies. An important characteristic that has been identified is that ectopic pregnancy may develop in a female who does not present with any prior history of risk factors and has normal tubal structures (Robbins et al 2005; Monga et al 2005). It has also been seen that women who resort to in vitro fertilization techniques for conceiving also have an increased risk of developing ectopic pregnancies. The improper development of the fallopian tubes by birth is also associated with ectopic pregnancy as it obstructs the movement of the fertilized ovum towards the uterine lining (Sher et al 2005). Site of Ectopic Pregnancy: The normal site for the attachment of the embryo is the endometrium of the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy ensues due to deviation of the embryo from its normal place of attachment and the attachment occurs in abnormal locations. These locations include the fallopian tubes where 95 percent of the ectopic pregnancies occur. Seventy four percent of the tubal pregnancies are found in the ampulla. Three percent of the ectopic pregnancies may occur in the ovary whereas one percent may be present in the cavity of the peritoneum. The remaining one percent may be seen in the cervix or on the scar tissue that may have formed following a caesarean section (Monga et al 2011; Smeltzer et al 2009). Signs and Symptoms: The patient may present with alteration in the normal menstrual cycle and complain of the postponement of the period from the normal date by approximately 2 weeks. She may complain of the passage of a small amount of blood after the time period of these two weeks. These symptoms explain of the presence of ectopic pregnancy. The patient may experience pain in the abdomen relative to the sight of implantation. The pain may be mild initially but may progress to become severe with time. This may be accompanied by abnormal bleeding which varies from the normal menstrual cycle. The patient may be lethargic and complain of fainting episodes. The patient may also complain of blood discharge from the vagina which would be dark red in color suggestive of the fact that the blood is not fresh. The patient may present with pain in the iliac fossa. In patients who may have presence of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Compare the Gettyburg Address and the Funeral of Pericles Term Paper

Compare the Gettyburg Address and the Funeral of Pericles - Term Paper Example If we analyse these two speeches, we realise that the essence of the democracy is well conveyed by both the speakers on seemingly different yet similar occasions. In the article we are going to analyse these similarities and the message that was conveyed to all those who seek democracy as the tool for effective development of the society. Historical Background Astonishingly both the speeches were delivered in similar circumstances. The Gettysburg address delivered by Abraham Lincoln is considered one of his finest speeches. The speech does not go beyond 2 to 3 minutes, but it conveys the lifelong dream of a visionary to create a society based on equality and justice. The idea of accountability to the society is conveyed by a single phrase stating it is a government by the people, for the people and of the people.1 The background of the address is civil war which changed the course of history of America. Civil war ended the discrimination legally and freed a large section of the socie ty from slavery. The address was delivered at the end of battle of Gettysburg, at the time of consecration of national cemetery at Gettysburg. It was the last speech to be delivered on the occasion. Similar to this the speech delivered by Pericles is also after the battle is ended. It was a tradition in Athens to hold public funerals in the honour of the dead in the war. There were cypress coffins made as per the number of tribes participating in the war. Public was allowed to pay tributes and then the burial was carried out.2 This tradition seems to have been very prevalent as there are several references to these occasions in the history. It was also a tradition that a prominent citizen would address the gathering of the people on such people. Thucydides’ records give an account of what Pericles spoke on one such occasion. Themes of the speeches Both the speeches revolve round the idea of democracy although none of them directly make a mention of democracy. Another importan t feature is the tribute to the dead in the war. Fighting for the cause they believed in till the last breath is nothing less than heroic. The least a nation or a society can do is honour the dead by creating honouring the death of such heroes. Going forward both speeches emphasise on the greatness of the country and the society they are living in. The speeches end on the note of message to the society to not to forget the sacrifices made by the dead towards the living. Learning from the speeches The discovery of America represented liberty and equality. The speech emphasises on two perspectives. One is the death of the people who believed in the cause for which they died. It will be highly ungrateful of the society to forget the ultimate sacrifice made by these war heroes. War for any society travels from general to personal level, while the cause of the war is general and applies to the entire society by and large; the death of war heroes is every bit personal to the families and loved ones. The boundaries of sacrifice extend to these families for whom the loss is more than what can be expressed. Offering of a piece of land to create a cemetery is a gesture of gratitude. It should always be noted that any grand construction or building is created only when there are a few strong pillars who bury themselves underground. Only then the tall construction comes into being. For generations people have fought wars for

Poverty a retrospect of beliefs with the wrong reality Essay Example for Free

Poverty a retrospect of beliefs with the wrong reality Essay As children we see life through a different set of eyes than others, and we accept the reality of our surroundings by how others judge us. We were the poor kids of the neighborhood and the others kids let us know that. My parents divorced when I was 5 and things were rough for my mother with 3 kids to raise on welfare. We thought we had it bad. Sometimes, we didn’t know where the next meal was coming from or who was going to help if things got worse; I remember we would stand in line to receive the food box for the month. Mom would put meals together and then she would leave for several weeks at a time, being on the road working for the Roller Derby. We never knew who our babysitters were going to be or if they were going to treat us with some sort of dignity and respect. Many times we took matters into our own hands and got rid of them and others just left, because we were not always the best behaved kids in the world, and we were always in some kind of trouble. The cops would bring us home at least 3 times a week for doing some crazy thing in the neighborhood, or stealing something from the local store to eat. After a while the cops and the store owners would just ask if we had something to eat or if there was something that we needed. Those were the days when people did come together and help others that were less fortunate, and we definitely needed the help. Our cousins lived in Firestone Park, a suburb of Los Angeles. They had some of the same obstacles to overcome except they did not have the community support that we received. My aunt was a single mother and did not receive food stamps. As I think back now on the difference between our lives, and the obstacles they faced compared to ours, we had it made. We faced challenges just as they did; I have been behind bars many times in my life. Both I and my older brother had interventions that changed our lives. My brother found out that the only way to change his life was to change his environment and look for other ways to support himself and his family than drugs. There were no food boxes available to my cousins and the cops were not as forgiving as they were in our neighborhood; the cops took my cousins to juvenile hall. There is one difference between my cousins and my family; they were half black and white. They were not looked at with the same sympathetic eyes as us and they told us about the way they were treated by the people of the city, and putting you all behind bars was the only way to solve the problem. From early on in their lives, they had to face the harsh reality that they were not treated the same as others even in their own community. Being called names by the other kids in the neighborhood, they had to fight everyday just to earn respect and they became the aggressors. They did things that we never thought of at our age, but that was the live they lived. My cousins went to juvenile hall very early on, and when they would get out, it did not take long for them to be locked up again. One of my cousins has spent over 3/4th of his life behind bars, and that is the only life he knows. We had spent a couple of days here and there in juvenile hall where they spent months throughout their teenage years. They did not have the same kind of caring community members as we did in our little part of the world; being a big city, crime was a way of life for kids there. There were not many options for the young people and joining a gang and the reality of death was just an everyday part of life. Drug abuse was prevalent and my cousins excelled in the life of crime. If it had not been for the YMCA in our community and the people that were placed into our lives, things for us could have been just as it was for my cousins. Both of my brothers have been in jail a time or two, except for my youngest brother who is spending the rest of his life in prison. He was sentenced to 25 to life, 25 to life and 18 years for crimes he was involved in 1994. I moved away from Stockton, California in 1996. My older brother moved away several years after I did and he now lives in Waldport, Oregon. He is a well respected part of the community. My journey began in 1995, after suffering a heart attack behind an overdose of Methamphetamine; I knew that I needed to change my life when I woke from the coma, and the charges that I was facing from running from the law for over 2 years. The judge whom I went in front of gave me my way out, but the road was not going to be easy. I had to complete a drug program, pay up all my fines and go to parenting classes. My kids had suffered long enough; they had to deal with all my addictions, the stealing, lying and cheating. It was going to be a battle, but I was willing to do what it was going to take to put my life back on the right track. The judge looked at me and told me â€Å"that if you do not complete this program and do all the requirements that I have set forth, that I would be facing 15 to 20 years straight time†. Thanks to the Veterans Administration and a Stockton Sheriff named Officer Garcia, the judge was going to give me a chance of a lifetime. All of the charges against me were to be dropped, and my records sealed and I would have a fresh start in life. The judge said it was against his better judgment to give me this opportunity, but I had a lot of people willing to give me a chance. He was looking forward to putting me behind bars. My cousins never had any kind of opportunities such as the one I was given and they were criminals and they would be punished to the full extent of the law. All of my cousins are in prison for life because of 3 strikes law. One of my cousins was not so lucky; He was shot and killed by the Los Angeles police that said he had pulled out a gun but none was ever found. They called it justifiable shooting, also known as guilt by association. I look back at the events of my life and realize that we were not poor by any means compared to other families in the Los Angeles area. The opportunities we had been given were not there for them and although we committed some of the same crimes, their punishment was more severe. I could never imagine being where I am today. I thank God for the people I have had in my life that gave me some different perspectives and hope that I could have more than I ever dreamed of. I look at how my cousins were raised and they way we were, and there are similarities, but we had it easy compared to them. Being of two different nationalities and dealing with the everyday stresses of the big city life must have been a burden that I am not sure if we would have survived. I must admit that life was not always rosy and wonderful, but we always had a roof over our heads and we might not have had the best meals but at least we had one. I am grateful to all the people I have had in my life that thought there was something to fight for and never let me give up hope. I pray for my cousins every day and give thanks to the lord for all that I have been given. Works Cited †. Howell, James, Decker, Scott H. â€Å"The Youth Gangs, Drugs, and Violence Connection Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, January 1999. U. S. Department of Justice. Boyz N the Hood Singleton, John. 1991. Columbia Pictures

Monday, October 14, 2019

Converting Files into Different Formats

Converting Files into Different Formats Jay Kybert       Converting files to different formats is useful for several applications. One of the most common reasons for converting a file is to compress it, whether an image, audio track, etc. Compression is a useful computer tool that reduces the space these files takes up, the easiest way to convert a file for the average user is to simply enter the new file extension. Users can activate an option that allows them to see the file extension (.txt, .JPG, etc.). By navigating to File Explorer Options, users can untick the option marked red in the image below, this allows the extension to be shown on known file types, and therefore manually altered if wanted. The results of compression entirely depend on the type of file being converted and what its being converted to. For example, converting a .PNG file (Lossless Compression) to a .JPEG (Lossy Compression) will save space by decreasing the file size of the image, but it will also decrease the overall image quality due to the different methods of compression. File sizes vary dramatically, saving in one format may make the image look more crisp, but at the expense of a lot of disk space. Although it could be the complete opposite, with poor quality but little disk space. Bitmaps, a type of image that uses arrays of different coloured pixels, are the most common and efficient type of image. Vector images use lines and equations to create simpler and less-detailed images. Because of this, they are typically smaller in file size, but lack detail. Once a bitmap image has been created and is about to be saved, the user needs to know what the purpose of the image is, whether to have a high quality, large image, or the opposite. Bitmap images do allow for users to control the amount of compression the file will undergo, typically in the form of a variety of file formats or advanced compression options. The JPEG file format is widely used due to its several layers of compression. The image can be slightly compressed, if the space is needed, all th e way to 10% of the original file size (at the expense of the images quality). The table below details some of the common bitmap file formats, and some information regarding them. The JPEG is one of the most common file formats used in storing images. It has a variety of compression options that use a specific algorithm to reduce the quality to whatever the user wants. Its compression algorithm is lossy, meaning that the compression does degrade the overall quality of the image by decreasing the number of colours, making certain shades the same colour, etc. These methods reduce the number of bits required to store the file. As mentioned previously, JPEG is a useful file format since the user decides how compressed the image is going to be. Therefore, depending on the users preference, the file can be a slightly larger than normal JPEG but it will provide a crisp image. A PNG file uses lossless compression to provide a clear image with some element of compression. It is very similar to GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), however it does not support animations. When using the screenshot feature on a computer, many operating systems choose to compress the image automatically, saving more space. However, the Macintosh OS and some versions of Linux save a .PNG which is almost the raw, uncompressed image, providing a clearer picture. Opposite to lossy compression, lossless compression doesnt affect the original quality of the image and still decreases file size; however, it doesnt save as much space as lossy does. It works by reading the data of the bitmap and rearranging it in a more efficient way. Once the file is reopened there is no change in quality, only the file size has changed. To show the difference in compression and file size, I downloaded a royalty-free image from a website. I chose to save it as a .PNG, the image on the left proves this. I then saved the same image as a .JPEG. The image on the right shows this. The PNG file is almost five times larger than the JPEG, this clearly shows the relationship between file size and image quality. The organisation of a computer system is completely pointless if the files arent named appropriately. Younger computer users may simply write a keyword that has relevance, for instance a string of lyrics for an .mp3 song. This relevance in naming allows users to easily find the file later. However, naming a file random numbers or letters if in a hurry makes it harder to search for in the future, especially if there are lots of files on the same system. The image below shows two of my files and how they are organised on the system. For similar reasons to naming files, folder structure is very important to many people who use computers regularly and store a variety of data. Folders give a structure to the disk that is storing the information. Many operating systems have folders even before the user creates their own, they are designed for organisation. The best example of this is Windows Downloads, Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos. Even though there are no restrictions on allowing a user to place a document in the Video folder, it would be counter-intuitive to do so. With businesses, where lots of information is stored, a vast amount folders are needed to cater to the variety of information; otherwise it would be difficult finding a specific file amongst thousands of other files. Creating subfolders is useful for this. Below is an example of my personal folder structure for this course. Lossless compression, as mentioned previously, is a method of reducing file size without affecting the overall quality of the image. It rearranges the data for the image in a more efficient way, which reduces the file size slightly, but preserves all the original bitmap. Therefore, the image looks as good as the original picture and takes up a smaller amount of disk space. If wanted, the compressed image can be changed back into a raw format, with no decrease in quality but an increase in file size. Lossy compression works by removing less-important parts of the bitmap, this reduces the number of bits required to display the bitmap and therefore the file becomes smaller. The less-important parts of the image are usually similarly-looking shades of colour, or colours altogether. By using less-colours or removing certain parts of the bitmap, the image still looks like the original but with less detail, depending on the amount of lossy compression depends on the compressed quality. Thus, files that use lossy compression have a much smaller size, but also poorer quality. Video files, audio files, etc. can also be affected by lossy compression. Sources

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Language of Gender, Race, and Class Sustains Power :: Linguistics politics

The Language of Gender, Race, and Class Sustains Power Born into the world, Homo Sapiens inherit a mythology through language and ideas justifying their place in that world. Mythology is an invisible mental world that supports the physical world. Language may be an apparatus for surviving experience, but it only gives the individual mental analogies of reality. Language is not value free; language has political power implications inherited from its popular mythology. These political power implications are most accentuated in a society by race, class, and gender archetypes. Though gender shares no apparent attributes with race and class, in mythological terms the archetypes are interrelated. Gender, race, and class archetypes are inherited mythological terms that define an individual?s political relationships. Political relationships are the masterminds initiating the slave minds into operation. Mythology changes the apparent binary master slave relationship into the three different paradigms of gender, race, and class, each archetype having peculiar identifiers for the master slave relationship in the popular American Mythology. A philosopher should examine the language of master slave relationship archetypes, the effects of this language on mythology, and describe how these archetypes effect society, to ascertain why gender is interrelated with race and class. ?In the beginning (arche: beginning, power, rule) was the word (logos: word, speech, story, argument, reasoning).? John 1:1 Language (logos) has constructed a reality based on master slave relationship. In American Mythology the use of the word ?God? signifies a male creator. In this ontology, the female is considered temporal and emotional, and the male is considered divine and rational. Color takes the similar value system, dark is night and is irrational, light is day and rational. Property is a realm of God, more property cumulated, more power of God the individual possesses. In a world that bases power on technology, reason becomes power transferred into property, which survives the individual existence. Language articulates an inherited patriarchal and racial hierarchy based on sex and skin color, with light skin mastering dark skin in social relations, just as an individual masters property or God masters the earth. Hence, the language that builds mythology justifies the master slave relationship.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Book Review: Little Girl Lost Essays -- essays research papers

PART A Little Girl Lost is an autobiography of Drew Barrymore co-written with PEOPLE magazine's Todd Gold. Drew Barrymore, a twenty-five year old actress (ET, Never Been Kissed, to-be-released Charlie's Angels) has overcome an addiction, proven herself to be a competent, intelligent woman, and is a major influential role model among today's teenage girls. Her biography begins with her first blockbuster, ET, and her experiences while filming and during post-production, as well as the relationships that were made and have served as basis of support throughout her whole life (Steven Spielberg as her Godfather). From there Drew travels backwards, providing a brief background of her parents, of her role in continuing the Barrymore family legacy within film industry, and then of the Barrymore's tendency to indulge in drugs and alcohol. Drew confronts the tabloids and gossip columns regarding the attention she received at such a young age, acknowledging the belief by many that she was a victim of 'celebrity glamour and fame'. Drew argues that her addiction to mind-altering substances stemmed not from the high profile lifestyle, but from her insecurities as a young girl conquering adolescence. When she was not filming, Drew attempted a normal life by attending a public school, where she was isolated because of her erratic schedules and enormous amounts of public speculation. Unfortunately, Drew longed for a regular life with real friends and a family similar to those of her clas...

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh, genius or madman? ‘The connection between genius and mental illness is paradoxically both clearer and murkier than that between genius and high intelligence. ‘ (Published on March 31 , 2011, Andrew Robinson) Van Gogh, possibly the most famous example of a known genius who beard the title of a mentally ill individual, had severe depression, inflicted serious injury on his own earlobe in the year of 1888, admitted himself to a mental facility, and shot himself in 1890, yet he is one of the most respected and well known men of our time, all because of his unmistakable and ingenious art work.Van Sago's recurrent mental derangement's were never in suspicion, not by himself nor his family. However, his sanity was never questioned either. Vincent Van Gogh was a known madman; it was never in question to anyone, not even himself, â€Å"l am unable to describe exactly what is the matter with me; now and then there are horrible fits of anxiety, apparently without cause, or otherwise a feeling of emptiness and fatigue in the head†¦. â€Å". (Vincent Van Gogh, date unknown) Van Gogh had been diagnosed with many conditions, illnesses and mental instabilities.Some being epilepsy, bipolar disorder, depression, psychotic episodes, and unpredictable mood swings. Doctors including Dry. Person and Dry. Felix Ere believed that Van Sago's epileptic seizures were occurring due to temporal lobe epilepsy. He was born with a brain laceration that was thought to of been intensified by his recurrent consumption of absinthe, this is what is believed to have caused his epileptic condition. Enthusiasm and dedication were standout characteristics in Van Sago's personality.Impulsive behavior was a prominent factor in his life, though hose periods were on every occasion trailed by depression and exhaustion. Therefore, doctors and specialists concluded that manic depression or bipolar disorder was a component of Van Sago's life. His bipolar disease is also wh at lead to his suicidal demise. Vincent Van Gogh was also diagnosed with Hyperplasia, which is a condition making ones desire [need to write intensify to an almost continuous level. This disorder is commonly linked to another of his conditions; epilepsy.The assortment of over 800 letters that Van Gogh wrote throughout his life time could be recognized and attributed to this condition. It has never been an uncertainty in our society that Vincent Van Gogh is in fact one of the most famous genius' within his art work; his art is known worldwide as astounding pieces of work. Although he was not recognized as a genius in his day, and his work was worth next to nothing, today he is seen as one of the greatest artists of both his and our time, and his paintings are worth millions.Not only was Van Gogh introducing a new style of art, experimenting with new concepts and colors but he was the beginning of a new era; expressionism. This is not only a remarkable point in history but also suppor ts the act that Vincent Van Gogh was in fact a genius; for one single man began a whole new look into art. The society he lived in was not ready for his non-conforming behavior and harsh reality of what truth lied behind his paintings.Not only with the realistic colors he used but also the concepts; he was not only painting portraits as everyone else was, however he rebelled against tradition and began painting landscapes and everyday images such as drawings of gardens, sunflowers, Patience Scalier, Eugene Boca, the Rollins, cafes, his room and his chair; all incredibly alive ND beautiful. Genius by definition is, ‘somebody with exceptional ability, especially someone whose creative achievements gain worldwide recognition'.It is no argue that Vincent Van Gogh met these requirements. It is believed that one of Van Sago's numerous physicians, Dry. Cachet treated his condition of epilepsy with a prescription drug by the name of digitalis. The drug has been known to cause one to s ee either yellow spots, or to view things in yellow. This is a very possible reason as to why Van Gogh painted a lot of yellow. A popular drink in his time was absinthe, and Van Gogh rank a substantial amount of it, however what most people don't know is that there is Outshone present in the liqueur.Outshone is a toxin that when taken in high doses can, once again cause one to view things in yellow. Physicians who have studied the artist have conflicting thoughts on whether this is what caused his attraction to yellow or not. Van Gogh used lead based paints, so there is differing assumptions to whether or not he suffered from lead poisoning by biting on paint chips. One of the effects from lead poisoning is that is causes one to see circles around objects; much eke halos, which is present in his famous painting ‘The Starry Night'.Van Sago's paintings are purely the reason he is known as a genius and the fact that his mental derangement's assisted with the completion of his wor k and to the standard it was, and also the way it was done supports the fact that he is a genius because he was a madman. Vincent Van Gogh; a man well recognized as a genius who beard the label of a mentally ill human being. Throughout his life he created some of the most high end paintings and drawings, and he would not have done so without some of the mental imbalances that were present in his life. Vincent Van Gogh Vincent van Gogh was an interesting man. Vincent van Gogh had one of the strongest impacts on the art world in the sass. He was not recognized until his death and he sold only one painting when he was alive. This painting was â€Å"The Red Vineyard†. Van Gogh suffered from mental illness and depression. No one knows how he got them but these illnesses have made his art better. He used his emotions and depression in his artwork. Every single piece of his depicts his depression and sorrow. Vincent van Gogh has impacted the world with his paintings. He was a post-impressionist minter whose work, notable for its beauty, emotion and color, highly influenced 20th- century art. â€Å"(www. Biography. Com/people/Vincent-van-Gogh-951 5695, Unknown Author) Most people know him for his famous painting â€Å"Starry Night†. Van Gogh has left his mark on the world and art itself. Vincent van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853 in Holland. As a child van Gogh had a very normal life. He g rew up in the village of Grotto Evader. His parent's were Theodore, who was a Protestant minister, and Anna Cornelia van Gogh. Vincent was named after his older brother who died when he was born.His mother never got over her first son's death and never grew to love van Gogh. When he was young, he started forming mental problems. Van Gogh had two brothers and three sisters. Their names were Thee and Core and Elisabeth, Anna and WI. Vincent was the oldest of his family. He loved all of his siblings but he grew the strongest relationship with his brother Thee. When he was a child, his mother taught all the children how to draw and paint with watercolors. She also taught them how to love the environment and the outdoors. Vincent loved the outdoors and would always go on walks.On these walks, he would come across the cemetery and in the cemetery was Baby Vincent grave. The site of seeing his own name and birthday on the grave frightened van Gogh. Whenever he saw this he would think about how perfect his older brother was and how he will never reach that status and how he will fail. Vincent van Gogh went to school like any other kid in the sass but because of financial problems, he had to drop out and start working. When he was 16, he started working at the Hogue gallery which was run by Gospel and Company. His Uncle Cent, who was an art dealer himself, got him a Job.Being away from his family, van Gogh was at the height of his life. He started to gain more knowledge in every aspect. He began to read many books and he learned how to speak French, English and German. Vincent worked there for six years and on his fourth year at Gospel and Company, he transferred to London, England. When he was 20 years old, he fell in love with his landlady's daughter. Her name was Egg ©nine Layer. Van Gogh asked her to marry him but he was turned down and rejected. She said that she was already secretly engaged. Vincent van Gogh was infuriated by this.He threw away all of his books side the Bible and decided to devote himself to God. At work, Vincent started to argue and fight with his coworkers and the customers. When he turned 23, he was fired from Gospel and Company. He then decided to go to school to become a minister like his father. Van Gogh was very tough on himself and whenever he studied wrong, he would punish himself. These punishments would be starving himself or staying outside for the night in the cold. He was very stubborn and he refused to take one of the exams. No schools would take him because of his stubbornness and his refusal.Van Gogh still believed that he was meant to be a minister so went to preach to the miners of Baronage. While he was there, he sketched most of the things he saw. He gave his house to a sick woman and slept in a shack. He helped the miners but while he was helping them, he was suffering. The miners called him the Christ of the coalmines. Vincent van Gogh got pleasure from suffering. He felt that when he suffered, he w as taking some ones hurt away from them. The church felt that the Job wasn't safe for him so they let him go. Van Gogh had no place to live and had no money.He thought of himself as a failure and he would always look at the sketches of the miners and wonder how he could help people like that. He then decided that he wasn't going to help them by being a minister, he was going to help them through his art. He decided to become an artist. Even though he had no artistic training, he gave everything his all. Vincent wrote to his brother Thee, asking him for some support. Thee agreed and Vincent moved back to Holland. At the age of 28, he finished his first oil painting. Thee was a respected art dealer at Gospel and Company so every painting van Gogh would make, he would end it to Thee.Dan Gogh then fell in love with his cousin, Kate. Her husband had just passed away and she was grieving his death. Van Gogh asked her for her hand in marriage but she denied. She then ran away from Vincent but, like last time, he could not take no for an answer. He chased after her back to her home in Amsterdam. Van Gogh talked to her family and they explained to him that she didn't want that relationship. His family was very disgusted with him for his actions. Vincent did not want to live at home anymore so he moved to the capital city of South Holland, The Hogue.In the city, he met Classic Maria Horn. She was an alcoholic and a prostitute and Vincent soon fell in love with her. She also had a four-year-old girl and was pregnant. She became sick and stopped prostituting. Because she could not work anymore, she was Vincent model for all of his paintings. In 1882, Vincent van Gogh found out he had syphilis. Classic started work again and Vincent became very depressed. They started fighting and Vincent depression got worse. Van Gogh left Classic and moved to Drenched. If he didn't leave Classic, his family would cut him off and not support him with any money.In Drenched, he began to pai nt the people and the landscape. This is where he finished his first painting. â€Å"Fulfilling his desire to paint figures, and 1885 van Gogh completed his first major work, The Potato Eaters which proved a unknown author) Thee received â€Å"The Potato Eaters† and said it was too gloomy and dark. Thee said that the dark colors that Vincent used were not popular anymore. People in art started using bright colors and boldness which was called Impressionism. Van Gogh decided to go to the Academy of fine arts in Antwerp. He discovered Japanese art and really admired it.He learned a lot in art school but decided that it wasn't for him and moved to France. In France, van Gogh started painting like the other Impressionists. He was invited into a circle of Impressionist artists. This group consisted of Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro, Edgar Degas, and Georges Serrate. Vincent began to use a brighter palette in all of his art pieces. Impressionist artists would only paint when the l ight was perfect and when they were in the mood. Vincent felt that it didn't matter and he would paint all day in any type of light. He also created the technique of using small and short brushstrokes.Vincent van Gogh created a new type of art, which was Post- Impressionism. He put more emotion in his art and was more experimental with his paintings and his techniques. Painting was the only thing that kept him sane most of the time. Van Gogh felt that he was more dedicated than the other artists. He and his artist friends would pose for each other to save money. They dedicated themselves to art and nothing else. In 1886, Vincent became very interested in Japanese prints. For two years, he painted like the Japanese. He moved into this yellow house in Arles because he was told the light was Just like Japan's.Vincent used his money for paint and not food. He lived off of bread and coffee. At night you would drink absinthe which made him feel strange and start hallucinating. In the day Vincent would find himself eating paint and drinking turpentine. Vincent van Gogh started to go crazy. His brother was worried about him so he paid Vincent friend, David Gauguin, to watch after him. David was also an artist and they painted together but they would always fight. David lived with van Gogh for a month but couldn't take it anymore. After an argument, David walked out of the house and went on a walk.He didn't think anyone was with them but then he heard footsteps and Vincent was right behind him holding a knife. Van Gogh went home and later that night he paid for a prostitute named Rachel. Vincent head was bleeding and he handed Rachel a part of his ear. When he handed her part of his ear, he said â€Å"keep this object carefully† and walked back to his house. He was found by the police and they checked him into the hospital. Thee came to visit him and Vincent was suffering from loss of blood and seizures. Van Gogh was released from the hospital was all alone.Davi d left the house ND Vincent became very depressed again. He tried to paint to make him feel better but it didn't work. The whole village of Arles made a complaint that van Gogh was a danger to the people in the town. Vincent was kicked out of Arles and checked into a clinic. Even though he was in the asylum, he still painted. He started to paint the hospital gardens and in November of 1889, he was asked to send in paintings to Brussels for an exhibit. He only sent six paintings and two of them were â€Å"Starry Night† and â€Å"Irises†. Throughout those 10 years, van Gogh painted about 900 painting.Vincent mental problems seemed to be getting better so he left the clinic. Van Sago's nephew was born on January 31, 1890. His nephew was named after him and to think Thee and his wife, he made a painting for them. This painting was named â€Å"Blossoming Almond Tree† and it symbolizes new life. During that same time, Thee sold one of Vincent paintings for the first t ime. Van Gogh moved to the country in Avers and his depression began to get worse. On July 27, 1890, Vincent went on a walk to a wheat field and shot himself. The gunshot did not kill him instantly and he found his way back to his apartment. Vincent van gogh There are a umber of things in this painting; this painting shows us that she is very poor. There are no flowers, lamps and garden. The house is the bare minimum; it shows the 19th Century things for the poor in the countryside were dark. Self-portrait, this painting shows us that he seems to frown and wrinkle his brow in concentration, he looks very lonely. He use orange dots in the background seem to reflect the orange red of his beard. He Inner is melancholy but he use the most warm color-orange, he should be eager to get love.I think that's almost impossible without knowing his name. He is one of the greatest artists in the world. He was born in 1850 three or two someday, whatever. And as a lot of people know, Van Gogh is the oldest child in their family, but actually, his parent's had a little baby before him, the baby died the same day Just one year before Van Gogh was born. So, they gave the two babies a identical name, this is why sometime people will call Van Gogh †the second Vincent. Sources: Chapter 4, Chapter 6, Chapter 1 1 . Vincent van gogh Vincent van Gogh BY allele Vincent Van Sago's Work of Art Ann. Lee Humanities 1301 Professor Philip Nonuser 02 December 2013 Professor Nonuser Vincent Van Gogh is a unique and outstanding artist who had a dramatic life that affected his paintings. At the age of twenty-seven, Vincent decided to devote his life for art because Vincent believed in the power of art. To him, a work of art, whether drawing or painting, had as striking an â€Å"effect† as a live sermon or a letter†( Euchre 17) . Van Gogh started his work of art with drawing.Vincent sent Thee, is brother, some of his drawings such as Au Carbonate (At the Coalmines), Miner Shouldering a Spade or Men and Women Going to the Mines. He drew everything he saw in everyday life. The miners and weavers usually appeared in his drawings. In the letter to his brother, Thee, he told him about his sympathy for these people :† I should be very happy if someday I could draw them, so that those unknown or little- known typ es would be brought before the eyes of the people†(20). In summer of 1882, he started paintings in oils.Vincent often paints † the simplest, most miserable, cost scorned objects† such as old shoes or † loamy' potatoes. (Huge 61). Vincent painted with dark and sorrowful colors. At the end of 1882, he experiments with lithography. He created a series often graphic works: nine lithographs and one etching. In the letter to his brother Thee, Vincent told him about drawing: Sorrow is one of Van Sago's lithographs. The special thing about this lithograph is that it was originally a painting about a naked prostitute † sitting with flabby breasts, heavy stomach, thin and stiff hair and weeping with her head on her knees† (Huge 6).Vincent also decided to do a lithograph based on the painting The Potato Eaters. The Potato Eaters is his first major work. It depicted five miserable family members, who were peasants, gathered around the table, eating their pota toes in the end of a day. Vincent wanted to attain the moral value in this painting: † I have tried to emphasize that those people , eating their potatoes in the lamplight, have dug the earth with those very hands they put in the dish, and so it speaks of manual labor, and how they have honestly earned their food† (Euchre 88).Van Sago's only etching, L ‘Home  ¤ la Pipe: Portrait du Doctor Cache,depicted Dry. Paul Cachet, a doctor and friend of Van Sago's who took care of him in the final weeks of his life. In 1886, Vincent moved to Paris, where he met his brother Thee, and he also made friends with Gauguin, Pissarro and Serrate. He discovered the French Impressionist. However, through Monticello, he â€Å"discovered both flowers and color† (Huge 63). And through his new friends, he brightened his palette. The Million De la Galatea is yellowed in tone but still muted in spite off pale sky.The hill of Montmartre was treated more conventionally; the painting was dominated by green and yellow ( Euchre 114). During 1887, Vincent created more than twenty- two self- portraits. The reason for this large amounts of his self-portraits was as though he wanted to rediscovered himself physically after he changed his style in art . Another reason is that Vincent Van Gogh was short of money, therefore, he became his own subject: â€Å"l purposely bought a good enough mirror to work from myself, for want of a model†.Self -portrait with a Straw Hat painted in the summer of 887 † show the artist's awareness of Neo-elementariness technique and color theory† ( The Metropolitan Museum of Art), † the background is sketched in by meaner of very widely spaced, comma- like strokes† ( Euchre 1 15). In 1888, he moved to Arles. Vincent was affected by the strong sunlight and he became † the prey of the sun† , † he burst out with spring, reached his highest point during summer and discovered July and the flame's p lenitude†(Euchre 165).At this point of time, his style changed immensely , and it was greatly impacted by the work of the Impressionists and Neo- Impressionists. He started to abandon somber palette and experiment with lighter colors such as red, yellow, orange, green, blue. We can easily see this change in his paintings such as The Pear Tree in Blossom, The Angle's Bridge, Boats at Anchor, Market Gardens, The Suave, A Walk in Arles, The Cafe at Night†¦ Etc. Besides, Vincent also developed his own unique style of painting. Vincent also experimented with the broken brush strokes of the Impressionists and hugely influenced by the Japanese prints.In 1887, he usually went to the shop of Samuel Being, a dealer of oriental art. He purchased many Japanese prints from Being. After that, he organized an exhibition of Japanese prints at the cafe Lee Tambourine. The Japanese prints were used in the background of the painting Portrait of Peer Tangy by Vincent. In the painting Still L ife with Plaster Statuette,† the plane in which the plaster statuette is placed crosses the picture surface vertically from one edge to the other, for shaking all the rules of illusionist perspective for the† plunging† approach of the Japanese†( Euchre 130).In the Woman at Lee Tambourine painted from the beginning of 1887, â€Å"the technique is Impressionist, but the background is treated in Japanese fashion, that is divided into parallel down in vertical stripes† (132). Between the years 1886 and 1889, Vincent painted more than over 30 self- portraits, reflecting his current pursuit of integrative color contrasts and a bolder composition. His collections of self-portraits place him among the most productive self- portraitists of all time. These portraits not only marked changes in his painting technique but also a reflection of his psychological world.The painting â€Å"Self Portrait with Pipe† was painted in 1886, before Vincent moved to Pari s. This is the typical kind of Vincent earlier painting style, using melancholy colors, which are characteristic of traditional Dutch painting. In 1887, Vincent was trying to use Pointillism for his â€Å"Self Portrait†. Pointillism is a painting technique which was created by the artist Georges Serrate. However, Vincent failed at imitating † Caesura's patient and analytical approach to the technique† ( The History in Self Portraits). Another self portrait of Vincent Van Gogh is † Self Portrait with a Gray Felt Hat†.This portrait showed that he reached the peak of his new painting technique. He also applied brush strokes of different contrast colors such as blues, oranges, yellow, white, lilac, sky blue, and green. In June 1888, Vincent was interested in the night of Saints- Maries in Arles that he decided to paint the beautiful view of the night. It was the † Night Cafe† which Vincent stated in the letter to Thee :† equivalent, thoug h different, of the † Potato Eaters† and † In my picture of the † Night Cafe† I have tried to express the idea that the cafe is a place where one can ruin oneself, go mad or commit a crime†( Euchre 164).Then, Vincent had his second night study : â€Å"Cafe Terrace by Night†. In the letter that Vincent sent to Wilhelmina, he expressed his pleasure to his paintings: Here you have a night picture without any black in it, done with nothing but beautiful blue and violet and green, and in these surroundings the lighted square acquires a pale sulfur and greenish citron-yellow color. It amuses me enormously to paint the night on the spot. They used to draw and paint the picture in the daytime after the rough sketch. But I find satisfaction in painting things immediately.Of course it's true that in the dark I may mistake a blue for a green, a blue- lilac for a pink-lilac, for you cannot rightly extinguish the quality of a hue. (Euchre 164) In Octobe r 1888, Gauguin came to Arles and lived with Vincent. Gauguin was Vincent friend. He was famous for creating painting in many different styles, including Impressionism and Primitivism. When being together, they painted paintings and discussed with each other about different technique. Next month, under Gauguin urging, Vincent experimented with painting from memory.Vincent started to imitate Gauguin technique of painting from memory during this time that resulted in his painting becoming less realistic and more attractive. Vincent deliberately used colors to capture moods, rather than using colors realistically. Their first encounter in painting took place at the Alleyways. In December 1888, Van Gogh did two chair paintings: Vincent Chair and Gauguin Armchair. In Vincent Van Gogh- Art, Life and Letters, Euchre said Vincent chair † is a creature of light.The intensity of the yellow note, emphasized by the vibrant blue of the contour , marks the paintings of the future painted â €Å"in such a way that everybody , at least if they have eyes, would see it†. Whereas the elegant armchair is bathed in full chiaroscuro'(202). However, their enthusiasm for each other and art faded away, and soon replaced by quarrels. Vincent had less and less confidence in Gauguin. He wrote Thee: On various occasions I have seen him do things which you and I would not let ourselves do, because we have consciences that feel differently about things.I have heard one or two things said of him, but having seen him at very, very close quarters, I think that he is carried away by his imagination, perhaps by pride, but†¦ Practically irresponsible† ( CTD. In Euchre 202). About Vincent, he did not eat every day because he was short of money. Despite an empty stomach, he stayed for hours working under the sun. (Huge 80) . One time, when Vincent saw the portrait of Vincent Painting Sunflowers which was hidden by Gauguin , he could not recognized himself and reacted violentl y to Gauguin.When they went to a cafe, Vincent suddenly threw his glass of absinthe at Gauguin head. When Gauguin decided to leave Arles, Vincent tried many ways to make him stay. He had been through a difficult time to face with Gauguin threatened departure. He got up during the night to make sure Gauguin was still there, he used absinthe and bacon, since † the only thing to bring ease and distraction, in my case and other people's too, is to stun oneself with a lot of drinking or heavy smoking†(Euchre 211).One day, when Gauguin was walking in the street, Vincent threw himself at him with an opening razor in his hand. However, he did not attack Gauguin, he ran away. Back in his room, he cut off the lobe of his ear with the razor. He cleaned his ear and put it in an envelope and gave the doorkeeper his ear. He was discovered by the police and hospitalized at the H ¶tell-Died hospital in Arles. Gauguin left immediately for Paris, choosing not to visit Van Gogh in the ho spital. Then they never met each other in person again.Two weeks after it happened, he painted his self- portrait: Self -Portrait with Bandaged Ear. This portrait is considered as â€Å"the calm after the storm. He takes a quiet and detached look at himself and expresses a feeling of renewed hope through his bright colors and simplified drawing. A clue to the origin of this bold style is found in the Japanese woodblock print on the wall behind him†( The History in Self Portraits Para. 13). Van Gogh then started to alternate between fits of madness and lucidity and was sent to the asylum in Saint- Remy for treatment.Van Gogh left Arles on 8 May. In mid-June, Van Gogh produced his best known work: Starry Night. In 1890, he shot himself in the chest by a revolver. During his career, he only sold one painting. Van Gogh became famous only after his death because of his innovative art that had a strong influence on the artists of the next generation. Even though Vincent Van Gogh ha d a very dramatic life, he devoted almost most of his entire life for art. A very unique feature about Vincent ark of art is his outstanding bold brush strokes which he adopted in his later paintings..