Monday, September 30, 2019

Dramatic Impact in Act 3 of The Crucible Essay

There are many different ways/techniques in which miller creates dramatic impact in act 3. It all starts in the beginning when the play is set off-stage, ‘The room is empty’, which creates an air of mystery and make people hear and listen hard to what is going on. It also makes the audience/reader wonder who the new voices are (Hathorne and Danforth). Then when Giles roars into the court, ‘I have evidence for the court’, the audience who are so concentrated on hearing will immediately jolt and get a fright from the noise and there starts the drama. The dramatic structure of this act plays a key role in the dramatic impact/tension of the act. It starts off with a bang, then goes down in tension, then rises to another climax, continuously. An example of this is: in the beginning Giles roars into court, then this is questioning and explaining, ‘Your Excellency, I only said she were readin’ books†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ which lowers the tension then Fransis shws his deposition and the tension and expectation rises again. Most of the act rises and falls in this manner. This technique emphasizes the dramatic points in the play because it sort of isolates them between parts that aren’t so dramatic. All the little high drama points in the act are leading to the main one in the end. The 3 depositions, Nurse’s, Giles’s and Mary’s, create huge drama in the way that they are presented and out hopes are raises that the court will see justice and then turned down by the court for a small reason. For example: Giles deposition, which stated that Putnam was out for land, was turned down because he wouldn’t give the name of the witness, ‘Why, I-I can not give you his name’. This raising of our hopes then destroying them, continuously, mirrors the impact of the structure of the act. The mention and showing of each deposition creates high drama/tension and as each deposition is destroyed, the dram and our hopes go down. Another dramatic point in this act, of course, is the girls. When they start seeing â€Å"spirits†, ‘A wind, a cold wind, has come’ the tension is raised because the audience knows they are lying but doesn’t know if the court will believe it. They claim that Mary is threatening them with her spirit, ‘Why do you come yellow bird?’ and this threatens Proctor and Mary’s deposition. While the girls are constantly â€Å"seeing spirits† and â€Å"chanting†, they are luring Mary back into their grasp and Proctor notices this, ‘with a hysterical cry Mary Warren starts to run. Proctor catches her’ and this prompts a huge dramatic part in the act: Proctors confession. Knowing Proctors character as a law obeying man with a good reputation and wanting to keep it, this confession shocks the audience and is a big dramatic high. The beginning of the confession is the main shocker to the audience and the court, ‘How do you call Heaven! Whore! Whore!’. When the court decides to look further into Proctors claim of adultery, they call in Elizabeth, who Proctor says never lies. When she lies, presumably for the first time, this is another high point in the act. She, and the audience, realizes what she has done and everyone gets scared and fears the worst. The end is the most dramatic part of the play because Proctor says that he and Danforth are Evil, ‘I see his filthy face! And it is my face, and yours, Danforth’ and this surly means (to the audience) Proctor will be charged heavily. With the hero in jail, what is left for the rest of Salem? This is what the audience will ask themselves. Another part at the end of the act which shows drama is when Hale denounces the court because, as the main priest and witchcraft expert in this ‘trail’ he is supposed to be righteous and tells us that Hale is someone who now really believes the girls are lying. Not only the content of the act but also Millers development and introduction of the characters create dramatic impact. Two main once stand out as very dramatic are Danforth and Hale. The introduction of Danforth in this act, I would consider, is a dramatic point because he is quite stern and the audience no idea what to expect from him. Will he be fair? Will he side with Abigail? The audience is faced with a mystery. All the other characters have been mentioned before and we have an idea of who they are and what to expect from them. With Danforth, especially him being in a position of extreme power, it is dramatic that we don’t know what he is like. In the beginning of the play, we understood that Hale was a self important man who wanted to seem the hero and wasn’t afraid to cry witchery on someone. During this act, he is defensive and doesn’t exactly believe in all the ‘witches’. It is al if he thinks he has caused all this and wants to fix it. ‘Is every defense an attack upon the court?’, ‘Excellency, a moment. I think this goes to the heart of the matter’. He is starting to side more with Proctor in believing this is all the girls and they may have caused this. It his the last quote of Proctors sums up what is going on in act 3 and why it is so dramatic: ‘You are pulling Heaven down and raising up a whore!’. We, as the audience, know things the characters don’t (dramatic irony) and this is a great example. We know the girls are lying, but the court and many people don’t, they believe the ‘whore’ and not ‘heaven’ (the whore being Abigail and Heaven being truth and righteousness).

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Pfizer Marketing Strategies Essay

Pfizer Inc., discovers, develops, manufacturers, and markets leading prescription medicine for humans and animals and many of the world’s best-known consumer brands. Their innovative, value-added products improve the quality of life of people around the world and help them enjoy longer, healthier, and more productive lives. The company has three business segments: health care, animal health and consumer health care. The top three worldwide pharmaceutical companies in sales are from GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer and Merck respectively. In 2001, Pfizer increased its’ market share and became the sales leader. They have continued to lead the industry since. The main reason for their tremendous growth is that their pharmaceutical products are able to improve the quality of life of their customers. Those products are Aricept, Celebux, Diflucan, Lipitor, Neurontin, Norvasc, Viagra, Zithromax, Zoloft and Zyrtec. Research and development is vital to the success of any pharmaceutical company. Pfizer spent 7.1 billion on research and development in 2003; this is the only pharmaceutical company that is capable of investing this much. Their future, as one company, with a single purpose and mission, is sharply defined. Pfizer Inc. wants to be the company that does more good, for more people, than any other on the planet. Innovation is critical to improving health and sustaining Pfizer’s growth and profitability. They are deeply committed to meeting the needs of their customers, and we constantly focus on customer satisfaction. Pfizer is now implementing a strategy to drive performance within the global business, building on the business model and management ethic that they applied in the United States. The most important priority is to improve sales performance through the launch of new pharmaceutical products, encourage doctors to continue to prescribe existing products, and attempt to increase consumption and enlarge the over-the-counter market. Pfizer is a strong and reliable brand, with a solid competitive position and diversified product line that appeals to a wide customer base. However, Pfizer needs to communicate with their clients more effectively in order to capitalize on their opportunities. Their current objective focuses heavily on increasing profitability and sales volume of the new products, such as Lipitor,  Norvasc, Celebrex and Neurontin. They are seeking to increase efficiency by reorganizing of the structure of the company. Pfizers’ focus on research and development is matched by an equally strong emphasis on marketing. The company promotes its human pharmaceutical products to health care providers including doctors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, pharmacy benefits managers, and managed care organizations. Pfizer also promotes its products directly to consumers in the U.S. via direct-to-consumer (DTC) print and television advertising. Pfizer has responded to the Food and Drug Administration’s 1997 decision to loosen restrictions on DTC advertising of prescription drugs by increasing DTC promotional spending each year Pfizer’s strong marketing and sales operations have enabled the company to become the â€Å"partner of choice† for the marketing of innovative products developed by others. Pfizer is extremely skilled in creating alliances with other pharmaceutical companies via co-promotion agreements. Through co-promotion and licensing agreements, Pfizer promotes and markets such highly promising products as Celebrex, Bextra, Aricept, and so on with alliance partners. Pfizer provides cash, staff, and other resources to further develop, market, promote, and sell the products in exchange for a share of revenues. For the over-the-counter market, Pfizer advertises in newspapers, magazines and uses outside media, especially for essential pharmaceutical products. An example would be the cardiovascular medicine â€Å"LIPITOR†. Potential customers gain product knowledge through advertisements when reading newspapers and popular magazines. For doctors, Pfizer spends a substantial amount of money for physician-type advertisements, such as small catalogs, relevant posters, printed 3D diagram regarding the specified product because the doctor is their main customer. Once the patient is exposed to the advertisements inside the clinic, they have more product knowledge and confidence. Pfizer continues to have sales promotions each year to support the 2-3 products they develop annually. These sales promotions are focused on  hospitals and general practitioners. Before the new product is going to launch, Pfizer announces relevant details to these people first and advises them of all of the available support. Once launched, a clinical study paper and samples are delivered to the doctors when Pfizer representatives are visiting them. Antibiotics are classified into four groups: Penicillin, Quinolones, Macrolides and Cephalosporins. Patients will develop a resistance through continued use of same antibiotic, which is why Pfizer continually develops new antibiotics. Sales promotion, advertising, and product knowledge are all very important aspects of marketing for Pfizer to launch their new products. While Pfizer has a number of strong products in its portfolio, it is Viagra that has received a large amount of attention recently and its success will be important for Pfizer. However, the huge cost of Viagra has been a highly discussed issue, with a number of governments struggling to reach decisions over reimbursement issues. However, Viagra’s high cost may lead to the use of cheaper, alternative treatment for the condition. There have also been a number of safety issues surrounding the use of Viagra. Because of the high consumer awareness of Viagra due to extensive media coverage, the continued safety concerns, combined with the impending launch of alternative oral treatments, this could have a significant adverse affect on the sales of Viagra. Pfizer appears to have continued high expectations for Viagra, possibly implying an over dependence on the success of one product. The high sales and marketing investment by Pfizer to promote Viagra could damage the company’s profitability if revenues from Viagra do not live up to expectations. Pfizer is a company that has a stronghold on its’ market, due to having superior research and development department, as well as one of the most innovative ways to approaching potential customers and business partners. All of this contributes to their competitive advantage and enables the company to always stay a step ahead of their competitors. Although the health care industry is ever changing and threats and opportunities often appear, Pfizer has a stable base for the future in this business field. As the company motto states: â€Å"Life is our Life’s Work!†

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The current Economic Situation in SA, India and Germany

Since the successful hosting of the roll cup football 2010 AS has sustained GAFF at Just under 20%. IN has been spending a large portion of its GAP on GAFF and this increased even more in 2004 to 2007 when they saw an increase from approximately 25% to 33%. GE has seen a gradual decline in GAFF however we expect to see this continue at the same rate as Germany continues to invest in renewable energy technology and infrastructure. Extrapolating IN and AS GAFF to 2020 we expect to see much the same ratio and a moving average extrapolation through to 2020 has been used for both countries.Economic theory states that gross savings, made up from the surplus between income and expenditure of households, business and government, is used to finance GAFF. The assumption is that these savings are stored in financial institutions and these institutions lend the savings to entrepreneurs and businesses in order for them to invest in capital. We can see from Fig. A. 9 in Appendix A that the correla tion between the proportion spent by the 3 countries on GAFF is proportional to the countries gross savings.AS savings as a percentage of GAP is extremely low in comparison to both GE and IN. Although AS can lend money in order to fund GAFF which it does this is not an ideal situation. It is essential for a country to consistently spend on GAFF as it is the capital which grows and sustains any economy. The culture in AS is not to save and in order to consistently fund capital it is essential for the AS public to start to save. 12 Fig. A. II in Appendix A indicates human development index (HID) for AS, IN and GE for the period 1995 to 2020.The HID is a measurement of life expectancy, educational attainment and income. The value expressed by HID is a value between O and 1 . The human development index is a measure of equality within a country and a value of 1 would mean perfect equality ND O would mean perfect inequality. As expected GE the developed country has the highest HID rating with an average of over 0. 9 since 2005. AS comes in second place with an average of 6. 19% from 2005 to 2014. AS has one of the world's most progressive constitutions and is based on the belief that AS belongs to all who live in it.AS is not without its equality challenges and unemployment, declining education system (WEFT global competitiveness report rates AS education as 46th out of 148 countries), high crime rates (rape in AS is the highest in the world), and widening gap twine rich and poor. IN score worst on the HID as a result of a large population many of whom live in abject poverty. It is however nice to see that things in IN are changing and they have come a long way since 1995 when they scored only 0. 4 HID and in 2014 they scored 0. 56 Just less than AS.Extrapolating GE HID to 2020 we SE no reason for any change and expect to see consistent value Just above 0. 9 for the whole period 2014 to 2020. Extrapolating AS HID to 2020 we expect the effects of a less competitive education system coupled with increasing unemployment, growing crime ate and widening of the gap between rich and poor to stagnate any improvements and predict a possible decrease in the HID for AS over the period 2014 to 2020. Inequality in IN is still a problem and we predict moderate improvement in HID but until there is a fundamental change especially in inequality between gender IN is unlikely to exceed 0. On the HID scale before 2020. 13 3. Conclusion 14 4. References 15 Appendix A 1 1. Introduction This assignment presents a range of economic variables from 1995 to present day and then extrapolates these variables to 2020. The economic variables are presented n three countries: South Africa (AS) India (IN) Germany (GE). The assignment explains trends and reasons for changes including the interrelationships between the economic variables, the countries presented, global economic forces and other socio-political economic factors within the specific country being described.AS is an upper-middle-income, emerging market economy and has been so for over 50 years. AS has an abundant supply of natural resources and a diversified well developed economy which boasts a service sector which accounts for more than 65% of total economic activity. AS has shown impressive GAP growth since it was welcomed back onto the international stage after spending many years in economic isolation from the rest of the world. AS has a functional infrastructure which falls short predominantly in the shortage of energy which has contributed to slowing economic growth.Eskimo, the AS parental power supplier, is building two new MAMMA coal fired power stations (Medium and Sessile) which were due to come on line in 2012 and when finally completed should relieve the energy crisis AS has faced since 2007. AS faces a number of other challenges which will be discussed in the odd of this assignment. If AS is to escape the middle income trap it needs to realism a GAP growth in excess of 6% for over 20 years. IN has a long history which includes British colonization.After years of passive civil disobedience and resistance to British rule, by the likes of Mahatma Ghanaian, IN finally got its independence in 1947. Economic reforms in 1991 helped IN to average over 6% growth from 1998 to 2014. India has a rapidly developing economy that is well diversified specializing in the IT and business service sectors capitalizing on a highly educated and skilled workforce. IN has many challenges including a large population many of whom live in abject poverty, government corruption and pollution which has caused extensive damage to the environment.GE in terms of purchasing power parity (POP) is the 5th largest economy in the world and boasts the largest economy in Europe. GE is considered a upper-income developed economy and is renowned as a leading machinery, car, chemical and technology exporter in the world market. GE has a highly productive, highly skilled, technical and well educa ted population which enables them to remain competitive on the European and global stage. In 1999 GE and 10 other European countries formed the European Union (EX.) and they introduced a common currency called the Euro.GE has committed to decommission all its Nuclear power stations, which account for 25% of Gee's power supply, by 2022. GE is investing extensively in renewable resources and is emerging as a world leader in this sector. 2. Discussion Inflation 2. 1 There are many causes of inflation, we take a look at a few of the causes in the context of the countries in the spotlight: Demand factors Rise in production costs Exchange rate fluctuations The crude oil price The cost of labor. Fig. A. In Appendix A indicates the average annual inflation for AS, IN and GE from 1995 to present and extrapolated to 2020. From Fig. A. L, it can be noted that GE a developed country has a very stable inflation rate that is consistently low averaging 1. 56% for the period 1995 to 2014. The preva iling reason for this is that GE has a very strong stable currency and is not exposed to exchange rate fluctuations. GE also has a very low population growth with an average year on year of -0. 4% for the period 1996 to 2014 which means any increase in demand for goods from GE has to come room the global market and not within its own borders. The rise in production costs as a result of high labor costs in GE possibly accounts for the majority of the inflation. GE has to large extent countered inflation by mechanizing production and reducing labor inputs coupled with the fact they have a highly skilled, educated and productive workforce which counters the high cost of labor in GE.Germany inflation is extrapolated, using a moving average calculation, to 2020. Consideration was given to GE stable inflationary history and the strict austerity measures the EX. has chosen since the global recession in 2008. In contrast to the stability of inflation in GE, inflation in AS and IN the two de veloping countries has been extremely volatile. Although AS and IN have positive population growth and a growing middle income population which feeds internal demand for goods and services the AS and IN economies remain heavily reliant on the rest of the world.On the 18 July 2014, Gill Markus the SARA governor hiked interest rates by 25 basis points in an attempt to curb inflation. The hike in interest rates should have an effect on reducing inflation as the cost of credit increases and consumers tighten their belts. The extrapolation of the AS inflation data to 2020 is a mathematical moving average keeping within the targets set by the SARA of 3-6%. There is a growing risk that inflation is likely to exceed the SARA targets.Due to pressure in terms of slow economic growth SARA is unlikely to hike interest rates by too much as this would stifle economic growth. Business in AS is coming under increased pressure from Labor. MIMIC and NINJA Strikes in the Platinum belt coupled with the current NASSAU strike will inevitably increase the cost of labor which in turn will have a knock on effect on increasing inflation. The NC government are considering alternate employment development incentives which if successful will help reduce the cost of labor, accelerate economic growth and reduce inflation.AS is extremely exposed to crude oil price hikes and exchange rate fluctuations which cause the cost of imported goods to raise with a rise in exchange rates. SOLO has the potential to provide a buffer to the oil price and effects of exchange rate on landed oil price; however they operate on an import parity pricing model. The competitions commission has handed down heavy nines on SOLO and the regulation of the SOLO import parity pricing model is highly likely.This will roll out to the Plastics industry in AS and should have a positive effect on Job creation, lower input costs and effectively lower inflation. 2. 2 Economic Growth Fig. A. 2 in Appendix A indicates the gross domestic product (GAP) of three countries AS, IN and GE for the period 1995 to 2020. On the primary vertical axis is billions of international dollars the measure using purchasing power parity (POP) theory which enables us to negate the effects of exchange rates between countries and compare GAP in real terms.The GAP POP measure is interesting in that it shows the relative size of the 3 economies to each other. We can see Just how small AS is in terms of the bigger players and although this may be disconcerting it is important to remember that AS has the 23 largest economy in the world. On the secondary vertical axis (Fig. A. 2 in Appendix A) we can see the percentage change year on year in GAP. Between 1995 and 2007 AS and IN experienced 3. 6% and 6. 9% growth year on year. GE was not as successful with average growth of only 1. 6% over the same period.Then came he great recession or economic meltdown of 2008/2009 where all 3 countries saw a downturn in GAP especially AS and GE who registered a negative GAP growth in 2009. Inn's GAP growth only dipped to Just over 5% in 2009 showing a resilient economy not overly exposed to the rest of the world. In the recovery phase all three countries recovered well however a second dip in 2011 to 2012 hit IN the hardest and IN dipped to Just under 4% GAP growth in 2012. AS hosted the 2010 FIFE world cup soccer which created large scale infrastructural spending by the government through the recession period helping to boost the AS economy.Extrapolating GAP growth into 2020 for IN there is likely to be sustained albeit slower GAP growth. IN has a burgeoning youth who are very well educated, are willing to work for very little and can converse extremely well in English giving IN a competitive advantage on the global market in the business service sector. IN is however coming under a lot of pressure from the Philippines who are competing in similar global markets in the business service and IT support sectors. IN needs to loo k to new industries in order to sustain its GAP growth.Extrapolating GE GAP growth to 2020 we note that GE has a eclipsing population however with their commitment to renewable resource energy technology and the growing emphasis in the world on green initiatives it is likely that Germany will capitalist on this advantage in order to sustain very moderate GAP growth. GE has a responsibility to other EX. countries and the poor performance of other EX. players could curb economic growth in GE. AS has a lot of challenges it needs to overcome in order to achieve sustained growth and escape the middle- income economy trap that has been its nemesis for the last 50 years.AS needs to address its labor issues and overcome the growing gap between rich and poor. The world economic forum competitiveness report indicates a host of positive factors which AS can build on however there are a number of shortcomings and AS needs to address these if it wants to continue to grow its economy. Extrapolati ng AS growth to 2020, it is difficult to foresee the current AS government under its leadership making any major inroads to solving the macro economic problems that will allow AS to realism larger GAP growth.Coupled to this the fact that AS is highly dependent on China and Europe for economic growth, the outlook for AS is moderate and we could e stagnation or even a decline in GAP over the next few years. Extrapolating IN growth to 2020, we perceive continued high GAP growth which exceeds 6% annually possibly coming under pressure if the world market does not accommodate this growth and as it comes under increasing pressure from global competition I. E. Philippines. 2. 3 Unemployment Fig. A. In Appendix A indicates the unemployment rates as a percentage of the economically active population in AS, IN and GE. IN has the smallest reported unemployment rate of the three countries with an average over the period 1995 to 2014 of Just under 4%. GE which also boasts a very low unemployment rate has an average of 8. 3% for the same period. AS has an alarmingly high unemployment rate with an average of Just over 24% over the same period. What is most disconcerting is in spite of the fact that AS has shown relatively consistent GAP growth the unemployment rate has continued to grow.The AS government (the NC) is part of a tripartite alliance with COATIS (trade union) and the ASAP (communist party). Until this alliance is broken it is unlikely AS will review labor regulations which would make it easier for business to employ more people. According to Eddie Rood, AS does not have an unemployment problem it has an employment problem. In other words it is too difficult for business to employ people and until regulations are focused more in favor of the employer than the employee the unemployment rate in AS is likely to consistently increase until 2020.In GE and IN there is likely to be very little change in the unemployment rate shown in the extrapolation which is a weighted moving average extrapolated through to 2020. 2. 4 Exchange Rates Fig. A. 4 in Appendix A indicates the average annual exchange rates for AS, IN and GE or the period 1995 to 2020. The primary vertical axis indicates IN Rupees exchange rate to the US dollar (USED) and the secondary vertical axis indicates Rand's and German Marks to the USED. GE which is a developed upper-income country has the least volatile exchange rate and has yielded an average of 0. 3 German Marks and Euro from 2002 to the USED. The IN Rupee and the AS rand, although depicted on different scales, have followed very similar trends indicating the volatility and dependence of developing countries currency on external global economic factors. The AS Rand is under a lot of pressure at present with regular service delivery protests and wildcat strikes like the platinum belt strike and the current NASSAU metal workers strikes followed by the ASIATIC strike due to commence on Thursday 24 July 2014.Coupled to this poor G AP growth, corruption, lack of service delivery and lackluster leadership from the ruling party is promoting uncertainty and possibly long term negative sentiment. Extrapolation of the exchange rate data for all 3 countries was carried out based on the MIFF projections on GAP in national currency vided by GAP in dollars. This extrapolation was double checked against factors that might influence the exchange rate in the form of Inflation, Gold Price, supply and demand for USED and SARA monetary policy.In the case of AS the possibility that AS becomes less attractive to foreign investors and the inflow of USED reduces is highly likely. The net effect of fewer dollars inflow into AS can result in a weaker rand. The SARA has a very strict fiscal policy which pegs the targeted inflation rate in AS at 3 to 6%. Under the watchful eye of Gill Markus the SARA attempts to curb inflation by easing the Report Rate which is the rate at which the SARA lends money to other banks.By raising the Rep ort rate the cost of credit is increased which in turn should reduce demand and with less money there should be less demand for goods forcing the price of goods to come down subsequently reducing Inflation. If inflation is lowered then the risk of AS goods becoming too expensive, (as a result of inflation increasing production costs), on the export market is reduced. AS is the world's 5th largest Gold producer and gold production and exports account for a large percentage of the inflow of SAID. A change in the price of gold has a large effect on the inflow of dollars which can subsequently lead to a depreciation of the rand.Although the USED is one of the most sought after and used currencies in the world fluctuations in the USED with specific reference to the appreciation of the USED can mean the Rand will depreciate. IN is subject to the same forces as AS with respect to exchange rates and the sum of these forces account for the volatility of the two currencies. A weaker exchange rate promotes local manufacturing due the opportunities to gain higher margins on the international markets. The volatility of the developing countries currencies counteracts a large portion of potential growth, due to relative uncertainty and high risk.It would be better if the exchange rate was consistently weak or even if it was consistently strong it would allow for less risk in investments into capital. Extrapolating GE exchange rate to 2020 is easier as the variability is small and we do not expect to see much change in exchange rates from GE as shown on Fig. AAA in Appendix A. In the case of AS and IN extrapolated to 2020 we expect to see a rise in exchange rates and a tapering off towards 2020. Both IN and AS will remain exposed to world economic forces and inflows and outflows of portfolio foreign investment. 2. 5 Interest Rates Fig. A. In Appendix A indicates the Interest rates for AS, IN and GE for the period 1997 to 2020. Interest rate refers to a rate which is charged f or the use of or loan of money. The interest rate which is depicted in Fig. A. 5 in Appendix A refers to the rate at which the reserve bank lends to other banks. The interest rate is one of a number of tools used by the reserve banks (central banks) to tighten or relax the monetary policy. The general trend for all three countries is a relaxing of their respective monetary policy in terms of interest rates as we see a big decline in interest rates for the period 1997 to 2014.The expectation with a lower interest rate is that credit is cheaper and money supply would grow quickly driving economic growth as the demand for goods and services increases and producers scramble to catch up with demand. Fig. A. L in Appendix A indicates that all three countries have been experiencing positive GAP growth barring the 2008/2009 world economic recession. The effect of pressure on supply of goods and services tends to drive the price up as odds and services become scarcer and consumers are willin g to pay more this drives inflation up.The SARA has set targets of 3 to 6% on Inflation as it is a proportional measure of the effects of hiking or lowering interest rates. The 2008/2009 recession has caused a slower demand for credit and lower interest rates from all 3 countries especially GE with interest rates of well below 1% is an attempt by the Deutsche Bundestag to fuel the GE economy. In AS, the SARA has raised interest rates (tightened fiscal policy) in an attempt to curb inflation and keep it within the 3 to 6% targets. The data for the 3 countries is extrapolated to 2020 based on a moving average.In AS the Interest Rate trend from 2014 to 2020 is predicted upwards to as high as 9% in 2020 as AS inflation and exchange rates remain under pressure and the SARA attempts to control the inflation within its targets. In IN the interest rates are predicted to continue to reduce to 2020 to stimulate the IN economy to grow. The pressure on food sources in India could drive Inflatio n upwards causing an increase in the interest rates. Similarly in GE the interest rates are expected to remain low with a gradual rise from 2014 to 2020.Contrary to the economic recovery plan adopted in USA (economic stimulus plan), GE and its EX. partners have opted for a more conservative approach and austerity measures have caused a slowdown in private spending. In order to fuel the economy and provide cheap credit the interest rates are extremely low yet GAP growth remains slow. Until there is an upturn in the economy interest rates in GE are likely to remain very low from 2014 to 2020. 2. 6 Trade Balance and Current Account Balance Fig. A. 6. 1 in Appendix A indicates the trade balance in AS, IN and GE for the period 995 to 2020.The trade balance is calculated by subtracting total import payments from total export earnings including gold and non-gold products. AS and GE are shown in USED on the secondary vertical axis and IN is shown on the primary axis. Trade balances for all 3 countries follow similar trends to the current account balance. The platinum strikes which lasted 5 months will have a negative effect on the balance of trade and subsequently the current account balance. Fig. A. 6. 2 in Appendix A indicates the current account balance in AS, IN and GE for the period 1995 to 2020.The current account includes trade balance and service, income and transfer receipts less service, income and transfer payments. Fig. A. 6. 2 primary vertical axis indicates the IN and AS current account balance in USED. The secondary vertical axis indicates the GE current account balance in USED. We can see that up until 2001 GE was running a marginal current account deficit and how they have turned this deficit into a large current account surplus. Germany is a leading technology supplier and has developed strong trade relations with China and the rest of the world.On the back of the Chinese and world economic growth the Germans have been able to capitalist and show a g rowing current account surplus. IN and AS who were pretty much break even on current account balance up until 2004 have embarked on development strategies. As can be seen in Fig. A. 6. 2 in Appendix A, IN has been a lot more aggressive in borrowing money and growing the current account deficit than AS. AS is often accused by world investors for not borrowing enough to boost development and economic growth.Extrapolating the data on to 2020 1 have taken the MIFF projections to 2018 and extrapolated to 2020 using a moving average calculation. AS would be expected to grow the current account deficit as they spend more on infrastructure in an attempt to stimulate the economy. AS imports a large variety of goods and services and exports predominantly natural resources. It would be wise for AS to develop industry that can add value to the natural resources in order to add value and ultimately increase its export value whilst simultaneously decreasing the need to import. . 7 Money Supply an d Credit Growth Money growth is shown on the primary vertical axis and credit growth as a percentage of GAP is shown on the secondary vertical axis for all three countries. The creation of money is largely dependent on bank deposits which when this money is leant out by the bank triggers the money creating process. The balance of payments and government finances are both major contributing factors to the creation of money. Gross savings, credit growth are also triggers for money growth as they contribute to the amount of bank deposits.Fig. A. 7. 1 in Appendix indicates MM annual money growth and credit growth as a percentage of GAP growth. Although there is considerable offset between the 3 countries the money growth trends year on year between all three countries are very similar. In the years preceding 2008 AS and IN showed consistent annual MM money growth of above 10%. In the global recession of 2008/2009 AS was hardest hit and dropped down to a money growth of just over 2% but has recovered to Just over 5% and is expected to be sluggish in money growth extrapolating to 2020.IN managed to remain less effected by the global recession and has retained annual money MM growth in excess of 10%. IN is expected to show more conservative money growth figures to 2020 as the world economy remains sluggish. GE has shown a reduced money MM growth and is even wowing negative money growth since 2009. The trend extrapolated to 2020 is expected to remain much the same. In AS credit growth as a percentage of GAP is extremely high at an average of over 185% of GAP since 2004. In comparison to GE (129%) and IN (67%) for the same period.The growth in credit does not result in bank deposits and subsequently an increase in credit growth has a negative impact on money growth. 2. 8 Budget Deficit and Government Debt Fig. A. 8 in Appendix A indicates the budget deficit and government debt as a percentage of GAP for AS, IN and GE for the period 1995 to 2020. The budget deficit for all three countries is shown on the primary vertical axis and the government debt for all 3 countries is shown on the secondary vertical axis. As a general rule of thumb the budget deficit should not exceed 3%.Since the late sass's AS has managed to consistently achieve budget deficits lower than 3% and in 2006 even managed to achieve a budget surplus. Since 2007 the budget deficit for AS and IN has increased with the AS budget consistently above the illusive 3% value. Since the 2008 and 2009 recession the AS government has, in similar fashion to the USA government's tumulus plan, understandably been spending more in an attempt to fuel the economy and stimulate much needed economic growth. Similar to AS IN has increased government debt and is slowly bringing their budget deficit down from deficit in excess of 10% to below 9% and trending downwards.GE has decreased its government debt as a percentage of GAP and has firm control of its budget deficit showing consistent budget surpluse s since 2012. Extrapolating the budget deficits to 2020 we can expect GE to remain in a surplus situation with AS stabilizing and remaining at Just above 4% with a possibility of returning to below 3% budget deficit. IN is expected to perform well and reduce their budget deficit to below 7% consistently to 2020. In terms of Government debt, GE is expected to consistently reduce government debt in line with the conservative economic plan and in line with EX. guidelines.AS is expected to increase government debt up to 2020 as it needs to stimulate economic growth through government spending. IN will continue to reduce government debt to 2020 as indicated in Fig. A. 8 in Appendix A. 2. 9 Gross Fixed Capital Formation the AS public to start to save. The Gross savings for all three countries has been extrapolated based on a moving average. . 10 Human Development Index Fig. A. II in Appendix A indicates human development index (HID) for AS, IN and GE for the period 1995 to 2020.The HID is a measurement of life expectancy, educational attainment and income. The value expressed by HID is a value between O and 1 . The human development index is a measure of equality within a country and a value of 1 would mean perfect equality and O would mean perfect inequality. As expected GE the developed country has the highest HID rating with an average of over 0. 9 since 2005. AS comes in second place with an average of 6. 19% from 2005 to 2014. AS has nee of the world's most progressive constitutions and is based on the belief that AS belongs to all who live in it.AS is not without its equality challenges and unemployment, declining education system (WEFT global competitiveness report rates AS education as 46th out of 148 countries), high crime rates (rape in AS is the highest in the world), and widening gap between rich and poor. IN score worst on the HID as a result of a large population many of whom live in abject poverty. It is however nice to see that things in IN are chang ing and they have come a long way since 1995 when they scored only 0. HID and in 2014 they scored 0. 56 Just less than AS.Extrapolating GE HID to 2020 we SE no reason for any change and expect to see consistent value Just above 0. 9 for the whole period 2014 to 2020. Extrapolating AS HID to 2020 we expect the effects of a less competitive education system coupled with increasing unemployment, growing crime rate and widening of the gap between rich and poor to stagnate any improvements and predict a possible decrease in the HID for AS over the period 2014 to 2020. Inequality in IN is still a problem and we predict moderate improvement in HID but until there is a fundamental change especially in

Friday, September 27, 2019

Literary Analysis, 1 Kings 19 1 - 21 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Literary Analysis, 1 Kings 19 1 - 21 - Essay Example While developing a connection between the author and the reader, the literature piece uses direct words and simple vocabulary to develop the story. This does not provide the reader with a lot of difficulty in relating to the setting, plot and content of the literature piece. Literary content found in the Bible are developed by simpler terms to gain as much simplicity as possible1. The author attributes this characteristic to the fact that the Bible has numerous translations which makes it easier for authors to use simpler language due to the fact that they have a clear understanding of the book due to numerous versions2. Apart from the general characteristics of the language used in the Bible, the paper will analyze a specific literature piece from the Bible. The Bible extract is from the book of 1 Kings 19: 1-21. Additionally, the paper will also analyze the literary style used by the narrator of the Bible extract. The narrator uses numerous techniques of narration in this extract. For instance, the author uses repetition, reported speech, dialogue and direct speech in the extract. These literature styles are used as a tool to indulge the reader in the plot of the literature. A reader is able to understand and relate to the provisions of the literature piece. The narrator also effectively uses paragraphs to effectively format the narration into significant parts. Each paragraph is based on an issue or a significant instant in the plot. This separation of ideas also makes it easier for a reader to understand the story and create an appropriate follow up on the plot. The narrator also uses paragraphs titles in the extract. For instance, the author first topic is â€Å"Elijah flees to Horeb†3. As a reader commences on the reading, they already have an idea of the intention of the narrator in the paragraphs under the topic. As argued by William, David & Fredrick, the effectiveness of incorporating sub-topics in the layout plays the role of reminding the rea der of the key issues to be outlined in the expressive section or paragraph of the story4. Additionally, the reporter effectively uses various forms of speech to relay the anticipated message from the extract. For instance, the author uses reported speech in their narration on the adventures in the literature work. While narrating communication between two people, the reporter applies the use dialogue to execute the message and interaction. For instance, then the voice said to him. What are you doing here Elijah?†5 This makes it possible for the reader to understand speech in terms of the person responsible for a particular set of words or speech. This effective format on the dialogue in the literature piece can be attributed to the fact that the book has numerous readers at different ages and this creates a need to have simplicity and clarity in its narratives. Additionally, the narrator effectively focuses of continuity of the narration in a simpler way. They use developing topics followed by a developing story based on occurring events at a particular time and period. The effectively arranged time frame enhances the plot in terms of addressing specific issues at a [particular paragraph without experiencing literature weaknesses such as repetition. The narrator divides his narration into three parts; Elijah flees to Horeb, the Lord appears to Elijah, the call of Elijah. Each topic is effectively placed to creatively to enhance plot creation and an easier way of understudying the author. The main

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Arguing for Offenders being Supported towards Higher Education Literature review

Arguing for Offenders being Supported towards Higher Education - Literature review Example Quite apart from the life enhancing benefits to prisoners themselves, who were able to gain insight into their own situation and formulate new and positive strategies for their future lives, there are obvious and positive impacts for society at large in opening up access to Higher Educations to prisoners. In general it is clear that the benefits of providing such access far outweighed the financial costs. What is less clear, is how best to deliver more access to higher education for the most excluded portion of citizens, namely those who are in the care of prisons and probation officers. Major shifts in criminal justice policies and in UK Higher Education. In the UK in recent years there have been some big ideological debates surrounding prisons, sentencing and the punishment and rehabilitation of offenders. At the same time there have been major changes in the UK Higher Education sector, with increasing privatisation of delivery and substantial fee increases. Vignoles and Crawford ( 2009, p. 49) point out that it has been difficult in the UK, even in the general population outside prisons, to widen access to access to Higher Education. Despite well-publicised efforts in the mid to late 1990s, to introduce policies to widen access, the gap in HE participation rates between higher and lower social classes actually widened. Adult learners, who are just one of several target groups in the widening access agenda, experience significant barriers to Higher Education entry which are only partially addressed by access courses and other outreach measures initiated by further and higher education institutions. The extent of the difference caused by socio- economic factors is still very large, and apparently growing: â€Å"Recent evidence from HEFCE (2005) indicates that the 20 per cent most disadvantaged students are around six times less likely to participate in higher education compared to the 20 per cent most advantaged pupils† (Vignoles and Crawford, 2009, p. 4 9). The introduction of very high fees in the mainstream higher education sector in the UK has caused a marked commercialisation of the whole student experience. There is a system in place which requires universities to make â€Å"Access Agreements† which in theory guarantee that special provision is made for students who have difficulty in meeting the high cost of fees. It has been noted already that the democratisation of higher education through these new measures has been only a partial success, with new universities in particular exceeding their targets in widening participation, while at the same time there appears to be a worrying entrenchment of top fifth, redbrick and elite institutions which perform below their expected benchmark (David, 2009, p. 46). There is a danger that these measures will increase access to the lower portion of Higher Education, such as foundation degrees and some BA and BSc programmes in some institutions, while actually increasing the exclusi vity of popular courses in well-regarded universities. There is, of course, a tension between these financially driven reforms, and the objective of widening participation. Hartley sums up the main direction of the reforms of the early 1990s in Ritzer’s (1993) somewhat provocative term â€Å"McDonaldization† which postulates four key dimensions â€Å"efficiency, calculability, predictability and control† in post-modern organisations (Hartley, 1995, p. 409). This

Why are Relationships Difficult - English composition Essay

Why are Relationships Difficult - English composition - Essay Example It was argued that men and women are different biologically (or naturally), and it is inherent in them, so to speak, to be different from one another, therefore, it is all but natural for their relationships with each other to have so many problems and/or difficulties. However, with the women liberation movement came the idea that it was not biology but social conditioning that caused men and women to behave and think so differently in any given scenario Now the question arises: which of these theories is valid? Are men and women really different from one another because society demands them to be so, or is it because the differences in them are a manifestation of their in-built differences? Many studies have been conducted in this regard by the scientific community, with the result that, indeed, men and women are geared differently naturally (both mentally and physically, of course) as well as through social conditioning. There is much that has already been said about the role of society in setting certain molds for the sexes, and then expecting men and women to fall in line. Such molds are often quite sexist and detrimental to understanding and mutual respect amongst the sexes. Although the media has perpetuated sexist attitudes, with the woman being only a comforter of man, whether as a wife or mistress, it would be unfair to lay the blame on them, as it is society itself that is reflected through the media. It would be wrong for the society to blame the media for projecting ideas that the society itself holds. However, the social conditioning only fosters the human brain which is geared to be masculine or feminine from the birth of a child. There are quite a number of differences between the brains of the two sexes which causes them to develop differently at first and then later on to behave differently. These differences, scientists argue, were the result of evolution and the different roles these two sexes had to perform.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Supermarket Buyers Using Suppliers as Cannon Fodder Supply Management Assignment

Supermarket Buyers Using Suppliers as Cannon Fodder Supply Management - Assignment Example Supermarkets are engaging to exploit all the possible opportunities and they are doing so, by aggressive purchasing from multiple suppliers (Jennings, 2014). Purchasing from large number of manufacturers gives them power to bargain on price and quantity and due to this power they are generating more profits, whereas food manufacturers are suffering. This price war has raised many questions among marketers and economics, and they are seeing this war as an unfair tactic of retailers which is creating negative impact on the overall supply chain.Supermarkets are engaging to exploit all the possible opportunities and they are doing so, by aggressive purchasing from multiple suppliers (Jennings, 2014). Purchasing from large number of manufacturers gives them power to bargain on price and quantity and due to this power they are generating more profits, whereas food manufacturers are suffering. This price war has raised many questions among marketers and economics, and they are seeing this w ar as an unfair tactic of retailers which is creating negative impact on the overall supply chain. In today’s dynamic world, companies are not competing with each other in fact their whole supply chains are competing and retailers are creating trouble for the supply chains of different manufacturers (Bolton, Shankar, & Montoya, 2010). Additionally, many economists believe that a supply chain is as strong as its weakest link and retailers are weakening the supply chains of manufacturers by demanding heavy contribution from them and by aggressive purchasing.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Chicago as global city_Census analysis_1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 Dissertation

Chicago as global city_Census analysis_1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 - Dissertation Example Methodological Framework. For the purposes of the present study, a problematique of urban restructuring serves as its principal object. With this in mind, two core aspects will be highlighted. The first one is connected with the occupational shift brought about by neoliberal globalization, which is inescapably followed by the emergence of the â€Å"dual city† (Mollenkopf and Castells) class structure, i.e. the development of the new professional-managerial class, on the one hand, and the growth of the ranks of service worker-composed underclass, on the other. The latter aspect is, in fact, adjacent to the former one, resulting from the need to cope with the problem of the formation of new consumption models that are directly tied to the newest changes in production/occupational patterns. For that reason, the research in post-modern urban geography, with a specific focus on its relationship with capitalism, is of utmost importance – as demonstrated, inter alia, by the pi votal works by David Harvey. That said, an examination of the intricacies of the neoliberal transformation of Chicago in the decades from the 1980 on is scarcely possible without taking into account the results of the censuses that document the demographical changes that transpired in the city for the duration of this period. That is why it is necessary to turn the attention of a researcher to these data. Chicago Census Data as a Source. The main purpose of a census is to provide information on socio-economic and demographic variables of a given population groups. That is why the use of U.S. Censuses and related datasets are of utmost importance within the context of the present study. The comparative analysis of the cumulative changes in Chicago’s demographics and particularly occupational structure will be duly reflected in this study’s analysis. Chicago’s Data for the Period of 1980 – 1990 Summary. Within this period, the city of Chicago still retained certain basic elements of a Fordist, industry-dominated, social structure. The following table may reflect some underlying trends that nevertheless brought about a gradual shift towards a more ‘post-modern’ situation. Missouri State Census Data Center: Basic Demographic Trend Report United States Cities AREA: Chicago city GEOCODE:17-1051 IL ------1980------ ------1990------ ----CHANGE---- CHG VARIABLE VALUE PCT VALUE PCT AMOUNT PCT IN % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T1. TOTAL PERSONS....... 3,005,078 100.0% 2,783,726 100.0% -221352 -7.4 LIVING IN FAMILIES.... 2,519,648 83.8% 2,274,594 81.7% -245054 -9.7 -2.1 IN GROUP QUARTERS..... 46,066 1.5% 46,903 1.7% 837 1.8 0.2 IN RURAL AREAS........ 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0 T2. RACE / HISPANIC WHITE................. 1,512,411 50.3% 1,265,953 45.5% -246458 -16.3 -4.9 AFRICAN-AMERICAN...... 1,197,174 39.8% 1,086,389 39.0% -110785 -9.3 -0.8 ASIAN & PAC. ISLANDER. 73,745 2.5% 104,141 3.7% 30,396 41.2 1.3 AM. INDIAN, ESK. ALEUT 6,804 0.2% 6,761 0.2% -43 -0.6 0.0 HISPANIC (ANY RACE)... 423,357 14.1% 535,315 19.2% 111,958 26.4 5.1 T3. PERSONS BY AGE UNDER 5............... 231,181 7.7% 214,994 7.7% -16,187 -7.0 0.0

Monday, September 23, 2019

Second paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Second paper - Essay Example t France lack sufficient outlets since Germany is situating obstacles of trade, the U.S have become protectionists, huge markets are attenuating causing intricacy in access them as well as the large states empty alien goods into the French markets. He states that currently, competition, demand and supply commandment, liberty of trade, and consequences of conjecture, all exude in a vast circle and this makes it an immense economic intricacy and tremendously grave predicament. Jules argues that it is necessary to take safety measures against the South American market being uncertain and possibly occupied by goods from North America. He maintains that greater races have the right since they have an obligation to advance substandard races. In addition, those European states exonerate themselves with munificence, with sumptuousness and genuineness of the responsibility of advanced civilizing. He affirms that the French colonial development policy has put them below the empire that has led them to Tunisia then to Madagascar. That the policy was stimulated by the verity that a navy like one they have cannot be exclusive of docks that are secure, defenses, as well as delivery centers on the soaring seas. According to Jules, these contemplations advantage the complete interests of nationalists. The naval warfare settings have changed significantly. Refuge, areas of supply, docks for security and provisioning are deeply required and thus the need of Tunisia, Indochina and Saigon, as well as Madagascar. The strengths of the ideas developed by Jules rely majorly on the economic factors brought about by the period. This is in form of exports and trade ties that the two regions benefitted from each other. Since countries like France were weak in form of trade, it would benefit from trade carried out by its neighbors (Ooi 2004). The weakness is in form of policies being implemented by the superior nations. This point can be used by other regions to implement slavery and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

In Defense of Food Essay Example for Free

In Defense of Food Essay After learning so much from Pollan’s exposition in the first two parts, one can only imagine how damaging it is to human health and well – being if people were to continue adapting the Western lifestyle. First of all, to the food industry that clogs Western society with thousands of food products, we are but a link to their chain of processed foods that (and not ‘who’) consume in volumes than quality. Naturally, we lose our persona of that of a contributor to the food chain. Rather we are just end – users, frolicking from one set of information to another – and of course, from a bunch of food products to another – as we try to figure out the way to good health. Yet no one seems to notice and address this concern for real. I had also been wondering what to eat and how and this book achieved what it purported to answer. But coming from Western society that consumes their publication pages with updates from research or studies conducted here and there, these same questions are interesting. However, there are no readily available and truthful answers to be found in health claims and food labels. A great deal of time and explanation are needed before arriving at one sweeping answer. Pollan’s book highlighted a mine of curious discoveries in answer to this. Including that some studies that could flag the food industry are stashed in corners of libraries not getting widespread media attention. These are hidden the same way farmers’ produce are stashed aside – waiting for an extensively questioning person to find and spread its results around. This is probably because there are no economic incentives involved in heralding the valid issues and concerns presented in such studies. Consider the findings that polyunsaturated fats and other substances in processed foods do not actually make a difference in the prevention of chronic diseases. This information is clogged and buried at the bottom of the heap of the food industry’s multi – billion dollar advertised claims. However, Pollan successfully searched and provided thorough answers to these questions and even recommends what and how to eat in the third part. I particularly liked the part about healthy eating enhanced by social relations. It gives me more reason to value the tradition, cuisine and culture I grew up in and not adapt the Western lifestyle: eating food products or buying from supermarkets instead of the farmer’s market. Where I am from (Turkey), every meal is prepared from scratch and these are mostly whole foods or organic produce. Before it is laid on the table, there go the activities essential to relations: preparing food together, learning dishes from our mother, aunts, uncles or grandparents – even from elder siblings. And that is just one part of the cycle. Thus, in a social sense, I certainly agree that there is ‘synergy’ in the finishing end of the cycle of food preparation: from soil to table. And such is concocted from growing or planting it in the soil up until it is finally eaten. May it well be that the contribution of every individual involved in the natural food chain adds up to the final food that is ‘more than the sum of its parts’? For instance, there are associations that come to mind when we think of food or eating. One of them would be celebration. Be it a celebration of life, innocence, joy, or transitions, failures, pain or the whole spectrum of feelings that come with it. Even faith and the belief that there is some power stronger and bigger than we are that made all such foods available for us to savor and enjoy. And memories seem to make the food taste even better and signal to our bodily systems, increasing satiety. For me, food not only speaks for what it is made of or the nutrients it is composed of. It speaks so much about who we are as persons, what we value and how we pay respects to other parts in the eco – system in which we thrive. Therefore with every meal we enjoy come cherished memories of various points in our lives, shared with extended family or the community. And at every turn, we give due respect and thanks to one vital part of each celebration: generous nature that breathes life into every produce that make up each meal. Many people across different cultures and in fact even within the same culture or society have differing allusions or associations to food. In some populations, commonly in the West, it may extremely be a negative symbol that precedes revulsion or a compulsively positive one as ‘comfort foods’. Thus eating becomes an act of a functional necessity, an interruption of a ‘seeming’ life lived in the fast lane. Being a consumer society that thrives on convenience, they might not have the time or energy to invest in food preparation from scratch like finding pure unadulterated natural produce and savor the scent, color and distinct tang that come with every dish prepared from it. But however different cultures may view food and eating, it remains apparent that the Western lifestyle brings in a lot of diseases into its population or other societies that choose this way to live. It obviously is not a healthy way to conduct our lives, as was stressed out in various points of the book. It becomes a wise and healthy choice therefore, to eat healthy by patronizing fresh produce from farms as opposed to food products, and savor meals within the context of relations to get the most out of every dish.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Four Framework Approach to Richard Branson

Four Framework Approach to Richard Branson Introduction Leadership was once about hard skills such as planning, finance and business analysis. When command and control ruled the corporate world, the leaders were heroic rationalists who moved people around like pawns and fought like stags. When they spoke, the company employees jumped. The entire career system in some organizations is based on using hard functional skills to progress. But when executives reach the top of the organization, many different skills are required. Corporate leaders may find that although they can do the financial analysis and the strategic planning, they are poor at communicating ideas to employees or colleagues, or have little insight into how to motivate people. The modern CEO requires an array of skills. Some suggest that people expect too much of leaders. Indeed, renaissance men and women are rare. Leadership in a modern organization is highly complex and it is increasingly difficult. It is sometimes impossible for finding all the necessary traits in a single person. Among the most crucial skills is the ability to capture audiences. Richard Branson, the funder of Virgin Group and Virgin Atlantic Airline could be one of best leader in the industry. Biography According to Virgin group website, Richard Branson was born in July 18, 1950 in Surrey, England. He is the son of a lawyer and an airline stewardess. He was educated at the exclusive Stowe School, but did not excel, possibly due to his nearsightedness and dyslexia. In his teens he developed a national magazine, Student at the Age of Sixteen. At seventeen he began a student advisory service. After leaving school, Branson entered the music industry. Considering that he could sell records cheaper than the existing average, he started a mail-order catalogue with friends. It was a success, and they opened a record discount shop. They named the business Virgin, because it was their first venture. Virgin Airlines is one of Bransons main businesses. Formed in 1984, it is part owned by Singapore Airlines, and it is the second largest British long haul international airline, and has won many awards. During the 1990s the fleet and the air route network expanded and a Premium Economy service was introduced. In 2003 Virgin Atlantic launched the innovative Upper Class Suite with a flat bed and seat, and in 2006 the Virgin Clubhouse opened at Heathrow with a spa, brasserie, cocktail bar, hair salon and games room. Branson is also well known for his personal adventures by Virgin Atlantic Flyer. In 2010, and less than 40 years after the original conception of the Branson Virgin businesses, Branson boasted over 200 Virgin Megastores worldwide. All told, Branson employed 24,000 employees in 150 companies, with revenues totaling an estimated five billion dollars each year from the entire Virgin Group including the music stores and airline. The Virgin empire was is the largest privately owned business in England (Virgin Atlantic Airways, 2010). Bolman and Deals Four Framework Approach to Richard Branson Leadership models can also help us to understand a leaders organizational influence. Bolman and Deal, in Four Framework Approach, suggest that leaders display behaviors in one of four frameworks: Structural, Human Resource, Political, or Symbolic. Each requires a specific organizational setting to be successful. The Structural Framework From the rational perspective, organizations are instruments designed to achieve specified goals. Organizations are purposeful in the sense that the activities and interactions of participants are centrally coordinated to achieve common objectives; behaviors in organizations are rational in the sense that roles and role relations are prescribed independently of the personal attributes of the individuals in the structure (Richard, 1992). In the rational domain, organizations are driven by strategies, and the role of management is to align strategies and structure with the external environment. Strategy development includes two kinds of approaches mainly. The first one is prescriptive approach which is the firm defined the objective and/or the main elements before brainstorm the strategy; vice versa, another one is have no clear objective and/or elements, all the strategy will be developing during the process, which call emergent approach. Finally, what people and task performed base on above approaches that will generate the strategic change by formal or informal organizational structure from the managers, because of environment, business relationship, technology, people, life cycle, political power, etc (Tichy, 1983). The importance of strategic change is that may occur considerable disruption, but this practice is also useful to analysis the specific causes for planning the best direction on Bransons management change. Bransons Corporate Level Strategy Diversification: The core business of Virgin Group is travel, but since early 1990, it has begun to involve in many other different businesses, such businesses are no directly or substantial relationships between each other. Such businesses include mass media, entertainment, beverage, finance, weight industries and more, all these small business units (SBUs) enriched the Virgins portfolio. Brand Extension: Branson built its red brand to represent value for money, quality, fun, innovation, success and trust. This idea is developed and applied on its whole range of businesses. Joint-Venture: In the flight service, each airline have to get the permission for access paths by during with local governments, this process is very complicated and consume a lot of resources in terms of human, money and time. Joint-venture is the method that can be easy to get this permission, also could be easy to meet the economic of scale to reduce cost, and share or lower the risk. Bransons SBUs Level Strategy Differentiation: Branson provides the offer which other firms no. The very common example is, Virgin Atlantics souvenirs are always different and united. Another one example is Virgin Atlantic keeps its safety record is zero accident, to increase the confidence to its passengers, or customers though its air ticket is expensive then others in generally. The Human Resource Framework Although people are intentionally rational, not all human behavior is the result of rationality. People do not leave their emotions and feelings at home when they come to work in the morning, and noneconomic objectives are pursued alongside economic objectives (Powell, 1999). In the human domain, the central issue is how to integrate human needs with organizational rationality. Virgin Group considers peoples as the important assets, so it pays attention on peoples motivation, culture and even the individual desires to manage and maintain peoples work well and comfortable. Branson also thinks staff first, then customers and shareholders, therefore the chairperson, staff, customers and shareholders could be considered as the key stakeholders. Chairperson Shareholders: Branson is as a leader in Virgin which has used the corporate brand name across its entire product, the whole Virgin Group is influenced by him, and he is the greater single asset in the group (Ensor Drummond, 2001). Meanwhile, Branson is one of the shareholder of Virgin Group companies, so as same as other shareholder, his values will be added into the group and will be implemented in running the business. Bransons values are innocence, innovation, quality, fun and irreverence of authority, all of such values could be found in his choices of new ventures. Investor: The investors mainly focus on the profit and the return of investment (ROI). This issue makes the conflict between investor and customers, because customers want to have better services that will increase the cost and decrease the maximization level of the profit Staff: The skills, knowledge and suggestions of the staff are important to the company, Branson also understand this point so that he wants his best people will stay in his company for venturing (Grant, 2003). Example: Julie Bower, Virgin Atlantic Project Manager, response to source alternative customer relations management (CRM) software, then experienced partially customized system with Virgin Atlantics own data. Finally, Saratoga System has been chosen as the provider of CRM system (Thomson Corporation Company, 2005). This example shows the valuable staff will affect the strategic development. Customers: The best products or services are always seeking by customer, in order words, firms are required to provide best product or service for maintaining current customers and exploring new customers. Companies that survive profitably in a competitive environment must be providing value for money (Johnson et al, 2005). Therefore, customers also influence the strategies of the company. Our first time with Virgin Atlantic, and out last! Chaotic queue at LHR took three hours to reach check in desk. The cabin crews were arrogant and more interested in putting on more make up than serving passengers. Virgin relies on their reputation from the eighties, but they have lost it big time. Want to travel and enjoy the experience avoid Virgin at all costs (Skytrax, 2008). This example not only explains how customers influence the strategy development, also explains to provide the certain products to customer can reduce the probability of finical loss. The Political Framework From the political perspective, organizations are coalitions of diverse individuals and groups with enduring differences in values and preferences. They are governed not by a single center, as is assumed in the rational perspective, but by a dominant coalition of interest groups. As such, organizations often operate with unresolved conflicts in goals (March Shapiro, 1992). From the human domain perspective, malfunctions arise from structural misalignment or from personal deficiency; while from the political perspective, divergent interests and resource scarcity inevitably turn organizations political. Government: The core business of Virgin Group is transport service, and this business is highly regulated by the government. In the result, government policy is very import to the Branson and company as well, like policy on safety, route, franchise etc. These factors are about the change in government or government policy. The airline industry in UK has been privatized already, this action is initiated by UK Government. Branson got the opportunity to run the airline services from this political change to be a franchisee. Branson entered the markets or industries that have large, well established competitors, for instance, David is one of his favorite roles who against Goliaths, it is the example that the corporate against a big business. Now, the airline industry is run by two parts, Virgin Atlantic and British airways, provide flight and airline services respectively. Moreover, British Airways is the main competitor for Virgin Atlantic that leaded Virgin Atlantic always played the underdog role in competing with British Airways. Though Virgin Atlantic and British Airways had been role as underdog and bully respectively, in 1992, Virgin Atlantic had been success to claim one and half million dollars from British Airways (Aker, 2005 Grant, 2003). The Symbolic Framework Symbolism plays a critical role in human experience. In the rational domain, the point of life is choice. However, organizational life is only partly concerned with making decisions (March Shapiro 1992). Decision making is often an arena for symbolic actions. Many events and processes are more important for what is expressed than for what is produced (Bolman Deal, 2008). The leaders use symbols to capture attention; they try to frame experience by providing plausible interpretations of experiences; they discover and communicate a vision. Innovation: Branson understands the new matters could attack the new customers and maintain the current customers, but its competitors also understand this simple theory. Therefore Virgin Atlantic based on the existed offers with new concepts or packages as a new products or services to get the competitive advantage in the industry. These factors are about the application of new inventors or ideas. The technology in air applies to the development of safe airplane, or reliable engine. Virgin Atlantic is the pioneer in this area, Branson introduced the Rolls-Royce Trent 700 engines to power its new Airbus fleet of 10 A330-300s has triggered a big switch from polution to green eco-friendly travel on the route. The Trent 700 is the first engine in the highly successful Trent family. The 72,000lb thrust engine has lower maintenance costs, lower weight and better performance retention. With the lowest lifecycle fuel burn, lowest cumulative emissions and lowest noise levels the Trent 700 has the lowest environmental impact of any engine on the A330 (TravelDailyNews, 2009). Branson reduces the time taken for long distance travel and efficiency in helping to customers. Except the improvement on speed, Branson also increased number of channels for passenger to buy tickets by web and machine. The software was designed to link customer details, flight information and limo service details together and provides Virgin Atlantic staff with accurate information and tools to efficiently and effectively manage the Upper Class Wing operation (Journalism UK, 2008). Virgin Atlantic has got the opportunity to operate the UK and World air service by the government policy. The inflection perhaps people will be willing to expand more on the travelling. The change of working place also affects the demand on all the modes of transport. The new channels have been developed through the web and new machine system. The market still has space to operate obviously, but the most important consideration of a transport services provider is safety. So the most strength of Branson and Virgin Atlantic has been improving its reputation especially in safety and on-time to get confidence of passengers. Comparison of Richard Bransons corporate strategy decision In the stage of setting up the strategies, Branson definitely understand the strategies of which are the ways in which strategy develops in organization. Bransons Virgin Atlantic Airline Strategic Development Command View and Culture View are highlighted by Virgin Atlantic The culture view is that it occurs as the outcome of the taken-for-granted assumptions and behaviors in organizations. (Johnson et al, 2005) Branson founded Virgin Atlantic in 1984; in fact, Virgin Atlantics success highly depends on the founders principles to provide the highest quality innovative service at excellent value for money for all classes of air travelers. This principle created and established the culture of Virgin Atlantic, because all Virgin companies also maintain an entrepreneurial culture based on Bransons principle. There are four strategic developments have been found out and will be further described in following: Strategy One: Differentiation Branson also has another philosophy in his principle which is to be a pioneer rather then a follower of the leader. In order to reach this point, Virgin Atlantic must offer highest quality innovative service for its air travelers. Its innovative actions include: 1986, the 1st airline provided sleeper seats in upper class 1990, the 1st airline brought in the automatic defibrillators, trained the staff to help in-flight cardiac arrest victims The 1st airline installed individual TVs to all classes of passenger on the wide-bodied aircraft 2005, won the RFID Breakthrough Integration Award since it is as a leader in RFID 2005 Virgin Atlantic applied RFID tag on the important parts that used in aircraft maintenance and repairs at Heathrow Airport warehouse, UK. The technological advancement is always the advantage taking for Virgin and the customers, said by Mark Butler, System Implementation Manager, Engineering Department, Virgin Atlantic (Tata Consultancy Services Limited, 2007). Strategy Two: Jointing Alliance Virgin Atlantic has jointed an alliance with many airlines until 2006 that providing better choice on where and when for its customers flights, the member of that alliance includes Singapore Airline, Bmi British Midland, Continental Airline, South African Airways, US Airways, Virgin Blue and Air China. All above airlines also signed Codeshare Agreement, so the connections between partners services become closer, customers could enjoy better service and value, such as checking customers and their luggage over to their final destination and synchronizing their schedules with Virgin Atlantics partners. Turn out the customers of Virgin Atlantic could enjoy the shortest possible connections between their services (Virgin Atlantic Airways, 2010). The crises of 11th September, 2001 that affected the worldwide economy, Virgin Atlantic also got heavy losses in financial aspect. The alliance strategy was significantly assisted the recovery, because it reduced the investment and the accompanying inflexibility and risk during the uncertainties of operating in other countries (Aaker, 2005). Strategy Three: Partnership In 1999, Singapore Airline acquired 49% Virgin Atlantic stake that can reinforce to provide the highest quality innovative service at excellent value for money for all classes of air travellers. Singapore Airline is a unique global partner, this is a perfect collaboration since both two airlines have an incomparable reputation for quality and innovation, and have own numerous awards from the travel industry. According to the terms of the dealing, both two airlines routes will not overlap each other and are uniquely complementary, also they keep independent managements, and the rights to develop their own products. This partnership action generated greater benefits to both companies passengers, such as fare, access to lounges world-wide and an increasingly seamless travel experience across their airlines network (Virgin Atlantic Airways, 2010). Japan Airline Strategic Development In terms of strategic management, the major contrast between Virgin Atlantic and Japan Airline is, Japan Airline is the one managed by traditional state-run or government hierarchy, so its companies strategy was established by country leader and the board, as same as or followed by the strategy of government, often the goal or the result is extremely unrealistic to the commercial. The gap occurs in between the top management board and the tactical managers which more strengthen the difficulties in implementation and lessen the competitiveness in international airline market. Moreover, Virgin Atlantic emphasizes on command view and culture view; in this session, Japan Airline emphasizes on planning view to develop its strategies. In the planning view, strategic planning is to use a formal planning system for the development and implementation of the strategies related to mission and objectives of the organization. (Lynch, 2000) Japan Airlines Background Japan Airline is a joint-venture company which was founded by one governmental company and two private companies, Japan Airline Company, Philippine Airlines and Northwest Airlines in 1951. Japanese Government bought the share from Northwest Airlines that leaded to Japan Airline totally transfer to Japanese Government. Nowadays, all decisions are made by the Board of Directors and their strategic development is mainly focused on strategic planning (Fundinguniverse, 2010). Japan Airlines Planning Procedure One of the Japan Airlines department, Corporate Planning Information Technology Services is established in Japan Airline for responsible to suggest strategies for Japan Airline. After the seminar in 1987, this department suggested five corporate strategies for planning strategies and implementation, one of the strategies is about operational. The Board of Directors and the management group suggest that it (the operational strategy) is now a matter of urgency that Japan Airline must speed up the development of the airlines state enterprise plan in compliance with the policy and guidelines., Minister Shintaro Ishihara, Tokyo Conference, Nov 6, 1987. Then, Minister Ishihara grouped Japan Airlines problems for Japan Airlines management group to take actions (Sanchanta Takahashi,2010). Although this company is now privatized, but used to be country-owned and running by Government long time, the country leaders provide comments and policies on commercial-based company. This manner had been intervened the flexibility of Japan Airline. In 2006, Japan Airlines Chairperson, Haruka Nishimatsu established three committees, Strategic Steering Committee, Project Management Committee and Task Force Committee to increase competitiveness and the value of shareholder (Sanchanta Takahashi,2010). Today, Japan Airline failed to be effectively competing with other airlines because of such time-consuming and not really flexible to implement in Japan Airlines planning. Conclusion Leaders establish goals, assumptions, policies, strategies, and accepted norms of behavior. They usually recruit and promote managers who conform to their own values and expectations. While a leaders influence is evident in all organizations, it will apply more to small, highly centralized firms, or young, owner run businesses, and can increase with tenure. In the addition, the most relevant contrasts between Virgin Atlantic and Japan Airline are: Virgin Atlantic emphasizes on culture and command view because of following the principle that provided by Branson that it is controlled by the company. Japan Airline emphasizes on planning view which is controlled by Government so almost every strategies development is produced follow the planning procedure to lead the company more systematic. In theory it should not only focus on single view, but these two companies are only focused one or two views, that led some limitations in Virgin Atlantic and Japan Airline. For Virgin Atlantic, it is highly depends on the principles of Branson, he almost becomes the only one and unique person that can decide the future of Virgin Atlantic, includes stay in the market or shut down the business. Another side, for Japan Airline, it involves more procedures for making decision that could be enhances and smoothen the running for a company. As mentioned, there is only Branson is the key person for Virgin Atlantic or the whole Virgin Group, for the future, Virgin Group is suggested to established a number of rules or methods to maintain and investigate the current saturation of its businesses or the new ventures. After that, Branson is the most key person that affects all the things in Virgin Group, then is the staff, last is the customers. Last but not least, whether success to run a business depends on the policy, economy, society and technology in the place where located or plan to locate the business. In the result, the leader should aware all Structural, Human Resource, Political, and Symbolic framework in mind for coping the political, social, economic and technology factors positively. So, the finial suggestion is Richard Branson have to establish a committee to share and continue his great work.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Objectives And Functions Of Materials Management Construction Essay

Objectives And Functions Of Materials Management Construction Essay Site material management is a scientific technique. Materials Management is the process of planning, implementation and control of field and office activities in construction. The materials management goal is to ensure that building materials in their perspective when you need to.Materials management system attempts to ensure that the correct quality and quantity of material is appropriate, purchase, delivery and on-site processing in a timely manner and at a reasonable cost.Materials management system attempts to ensure that the correct quality and quantity of material is appropriate select , purchase, delivery and on-site processing in a timely manner and at a reasonable cost.So Materials management is an important element of project management. The material shows a major cost in the construction, thus reducing procurement costs to improve the opportunity to reduce the cost of the entire project. Construction projects, building materials fees accounted for 60 to 70% of the project cost. A reasonably organized planning, supply and use of building materials, construction materials from the production companies enter a construction according to the variety, quantity, quality, duration, reducing the transfer of part ofprevent the backlog of waste, shorten the construction period, accelerate the construction speed, reduce the cost of the project is important. 2.1 Scope of Materials Management It was referring to the various functions of materials management of the materials management coordination of various departments of manufacturing enterprises. Once the material procurement and brought by the organization, its value continues to increase other costs of materials required for the sorting, carrying materials in inventory, maintenance and management costs must be allocated to the cost of materials before entering into a product or converted to other form. In order to save the cost of all the materials management company has taken a clear method to determine the amount of material is ordered, the number is stored as inventory and in-process inventory. In order to reduce the cost of materials and other costs, there must be effective and efficient management of materials technology, it must be dynamically adjusted with changes in demand and production. 2.2 Objectives and Functions of Materials Management Primary objectives Which can be classified as: (i) Efficient materials planning (ii) Buying or Purchasing (iii) Procuring and receiving (iv) Storing and inventory control (v) Supply and distribution of materials (vi) Quality assurance Secondary objectives there can be several secondary objectives of materials management. Some of them are given below: (i) Efficient production scheduling (ii) To take make or buy decisions (iii) Prepare specifications and standization of materials (iv) To assist in product design and development (v) Forecasting demand and quantity of materials requirements (vi) Quality control of materials purchased (vii) Material handling (viii) Use of value analysis and value engineering (ix) Developing skills of workers in materials management (x) Smooth flow of materials in and out of the organization Achieve all these goals, it is necessary to establish harmony and good coordination between all employees of the materials management department. 2.3 Components of material management 2.3.1 Material supply and management Through market research, and look for the qualified materials The scope of inspections, investigations should first production and management vendors. One is the audit inspection material production and operation of the main body of all kinds of production and operation procedure is a complete range; The second is on-the-spot investigation enterprise production scale, management concept, sales and after-sales service, etc; The third is mainly studies the enterprise of quality control system, whether it has national and industry product quality authentication, material quality in the similar products is to belong to the general, intermediate or high-grade, etc. Another study visits range is building industry. Through the understanding of the building industry, information obtained a more accurate, more careful, more comprehensive. Generally speaking, really good quality materials will get architectural recognition, inferior quality of materials will be people spit on. By understanding building industry, can be more accurately master the material manufacturer enterprise reputation, product quality, price condition, the post-sale service, etc. The material the approach test Acceptance warehousing must ask the supplier of building materials security record to prove. The material inspection units must have the appropriate testing facilities and capabilities. Materials management in the construction process The central task is to check the use of the materials management process to ensure the quality of the material entering the construction safekeeping of materials approach, strict, reasonable use of a variety of materials, reduce consumption, to ensure the realization of the management objectives. 2.3.2The price of materials management 1. Control of the market, reduce the price of materials Control of the market, the market price is the extensive collection of materials. Material price information-gathering process, price information collection is in the building materials market, the material origin, the course of the investigation. The acquisition price information must be appropriate to the actual situation of the market to reflect the general level of prices of materials. Investigation and collection of price information for engineering materials, covers a wide range, heavy workload, is a complex information system. 2.Make full use of the market, reasonable arrangements for transportation Freight expenditures are important factors that constitute material procurement costs, save on shipping costs, reduce material procurement costs. Therefore, to consider the following aspects should consider the problems of the transport distance transportation cost savings: material when ordering. In the case of material quality, performance can meet the material procurement program, and almost equal to the price of materials, it should go to the nearest location away from the construction site procurement; material as a transport in place, to reduce secondary unlucky and handling costs. Take reasonable mode of procurement Doing so supply, storage, integration, reducing both parties arguing back and forth; owner can reduce material prices, reduce the project cost; course reasonable supply mode according to specific circumstances. 2.3.3 Material storage issue management Specifically the Treasury, proper storage. Identified clearly, classified storage In addition to the release of the material, whether by the Ministry branch or the issuance of project department warehouse supplies, should implement the principle of first-in, first-out project materials consumed should be read in conjunction with the segment and sub-project accounting, strict implementation of quota / fixed picking system must be opened by the project construction personnel before construction sign limits pick lists limit pick lists must fill part requirements essential items. Valuables and a larger amount of items, multiple payment based on usage, with picking small ticket points. Easily damaged goods, the material need for more detailed experience exchange members issued by the recipients of the two sides to sign off on the certificate. Material need generated from site Material ordered in the store Indents is generated Check availability in the store Check for the balance items Vendor selection from the approved list of vendors from the client Material inspection from the received stock Rejection of the unacceptable stock Issue of material to the concerned department Fig.1 process of material management Sources: National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering Technology 2.4 Advantages of Materials Management Materials management to create a niche in many organizations, which have achieved a comprehensive materials management. These organizations often enjoy the following advantages: The better accountability part of the material, as well as other departments and no one can blame others. As materials management by a single authority, which can lead to better coordination, because it became the central point of any substance-related problems. Materials management departments to ensure a better quality materials provide a request in a timely fashion department. This can lead to a better performance of the organization. A materials management system is usually controlled through a system, therefore, can help decision-making related to the material in the organization. An indirect use of materials management is the development of good quality material, ethical and moral standards in an organization. Comment and evaluate the existing site layout relation to the positioning of the material on the construction site and identify possibles Construction site materials should be placed according to the requirements of safe and civilized construction program to be trimmed and decorated. Temporary construction water, electricity, roads, completed construction requirements of the standard. For field use reasonable construction plane layout should be structured to minimize occupied by construction land, the layout is compact and reasonable, and at the same time do field capacity neat and clean, the roads are wider, in line with the requirements of fire safety and civilized construction. The construction process to avoid multiple trades in the same venue, the same area for construction and mutual restraint, mutual interference. à ¢- ª Keep work areas free from rubbish and obstructions à ¢- ª Maintain all floor surfaces safe, suitable and free from slip or trip hazards à ¢- ª Ensure floor openings covered or otherwise fenced off à ¢- ªMaterials are properly stacked and stored safely Keep all passageways in good conditions à ¢- ª Unobstructed and clearly defined à ¢- ª Provide adequate lighting à ¢- ª Ensure clear sightline at breaks and corners Stacking of all materials: à ¢- ª Ensure the proper heights and correct stacking à ¢- ª Allow sufficient space for moving stock à ¢- ª Store materials in racks/bins à ¢- ª Keep shelves free of rubbish à ¢- ª Keep floors around stacks and racks clear à ¢- ª Check drums and ensure pallets in good repair à ¢- ª Heavier items stored low and without danger of falling objects à ¢- ª Avoid sharp edges and provide safe means of accessing high shelves Site manager may face the following problems: Construction site temporary building (office) located in work area and near the waste materials faced with many unsafe factors and noise pollution. The area of construction waste, stored waste can not be transported out of the site.such as all solvent waste, oily rags, and flammable liquids,Scrap wood or chips, saw dust waste, and paper bags or cartons. If you accidentally cause a fire, then there will be heavy casualties. Most construction workers are exposed to excessive construction noise. One can get tinnitus, a ringing sound in the ears, or a temporary loss of hearing. Exposure to longer period can cause tiredness and nervousness. Concrete batching plant away from the material stores. It should be set in a near vertical transport machinery, as much as possible to reduce the concrete, mortar horizontal transport distance. Reduce transportation costs and save time. Store setting Concrete store should choose the higher ground, drainage, close to the batching plant. Inflammable and explosive materials shall not be mixed with other material. Inflammable and explosive materials warehouse layout should comply with the fire and explosion safety distance requirements. Proposed new site layout to improve the existing site layout mess hall temporary building (office) Workers Dormitory toilet Water Supply Site Entrance Double storey terrace Semi-detached houses Power supply Site exit Timber store Reinforcement Steel store Scaffold store Cement store Concrete batching plant Material store Waste material Suggestion/recommendation that will give strong impact on the material management process in the future based on the case study Responsibilities: Provide guidance, interpretation and direction to Major Projects staff regarding the Major Projects Procurement material standards and procedures Assist in Procurement orientations and on-boarding of Major Projects staff Review and provide improvement recommendations for Project Procurement Strategies and Plans Lead the development, implementation and management of policies, procedures and templates supporting the continuous improvement of material management within Major Projects Collaborate with Business Unit Procurement, Project Controls, Accounting, Construction, Engineering and Project Execution personnel to accurately understand capabilities in terms of systems and processes Outline material management procedures through the development of process flow maps Prepare draft and final assessment reports of material management findings First, the general requirements 1. Stacking of construction material should be based on the amount of size, duration, supply and transportation determine dosage, use a long time, supply transportation is convenient, it should be phased in. approach to reduce the yard and warehouse space; 2. Construction site of a variety of tools, components, materials piling must be placed in accordance with the provisions of the position of the planar four Figure; 3. Position should select appropriate, easy to transport and handling, minimize secondary transportation; 4. Higher ground, solid, flat, backfill compaction in layers, have drainage measures to comply with the requirements of safety, fire; 5. Should be stacked according to the varieties, specifications, and set up the obvious signs to indicate the name, specification and origin; 6. Various material items must be stacked neatly.   Second, the main material semi stacked 1. Large tools, should one side alignment put; 2. Reinforced should be neatly stacked, square wooden paving should not be placed in a wet and exposed to rain shower; 3. Brick should be small code into the stack, are not allowed to ultra-high from trench not less than 0.5m, to prevent collapse; 4. The sand piled cube, stones should be different diameter sizes are stacked into a cube; 5. Various templates should be stacked neatly classified according to specifications, the ground should be flat solid, stack height generally should not be the ultra-high 1.6m; the large template stored specifically designed to save shelf should be placed two large template should be used for face-to-face storage when stored floor construction, shall meet the homeostatic angle and reliable anti-dumping measures; 6. Concrete component stacking space should be solid, smooth, specifications, models stacked skids position to be correct, to be up and down to align the the multilayer components of skids, the pile position are not allowed to ultra-high; the concrete blocking plate should be established insertion of frame interpolation put frame to be welded or lashing firmly to prevent collapse. Conclusion Construction site materials management is one of the important link. To strengthen the management of the site layout, according to the different construction stages, materials and supplies changes, design changes, and adjust the position of the stockyard site in a timely manner, and keep the roads open, reducing the second out of luck. Strict accordance with the arrangement of stacked material with a flat-screen piles into the line, always clean up debris and garbage, and maintain the site, roads, tools and containers clean. The construction site must be carried out by the allied materials on-site materials management, material must pass the examination certificates; member of the staff of the material running configuration to enable the production and management of working prevail. Materials management for the enterprise has an extremely important significance.In a certain period of time, material resources and funds are always wired, good materials science management can promote cost reduction.Which time the minimum material consumption, to the maximum economic benefits.